2013-06-25T20:44:57+00:00 in Earth via web To: a(n) person, Public
2013-06-18T13:58:55+00:00 in Earth via web To: Christopher Murtagh, Public
@xopher Hey, you're missing our IRC party.2013-03-26T17:09:57+00:00 in Earth via web To: Evan Prodromou, Public
So what's up with the migration? Are you just migrating to a new version, or are you close identi.ca so people host their own status.net?Have you seen http://identi.ca/url/74812502Ah! Thanks! Btw, are you going to #startupdrinks tonight?2012-09-21T20:15:57+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
My five minutes of fame... http://ur1.ca/adbry2012-09-19T18:15:26+00:00 in Earth via web To: Jordan Conway, Public
Ahoy, matey, I be hearin' good tidings about ye from Cap'n @xopher.2012-07-31T20:55:02+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
You have a problem. So you add threads. Now y2 problemsou have . So you add locking. Now y2012-07-30T15:07:46+00:00 in Earth via web To: Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Public
Hey, just tried contacting you in IRC. Can we syndicate your blog in http://ur1.ca/9uw6i ?2012-06-21T14:48:37+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
I covet this so much: http://ur1.ca/8diif2012-06-13T21:00:11+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Debugging... it really is like that... http://bash.org/?9505812012-04-22T21:10:04+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
To paraphrase Sartre, hell is other people's code. http://ur1.ca/926zl2012-04-17T18:37:00+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Any GNU/Hackers out there wanna help finishing the Django rewrite for Savannah? I'm trying to revive it. Let me know!2012-04-03T19:26:09+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
OctConf draws nearer and nearer! http://isitoctconf.org/2012-03-19T02:49:40+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Bad news... Octave didn't get accepted into !gsoc. What did we do wrong? ;_;2012-03-09T01:40:36+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Woo! Octave is applying for GSoC. Let's hope we get accepted!Justin Washu O'Brien shared by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso at 2012-01-26T21:59:13+00:00 via web To: Public
@rajitsingh: osx is almost unusable, windows feels like having a hand tied behind your back, and Gnome3 is just amazing (imo)a(n) person, Rob Myers likes this.
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, a(n) person shared this.
Justin Washu O'Brien shared by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso at 2012-01-26T21:59:13+00:00 via web To: Public
@rajitsingh: osx is almost unusable, windows feels like having a hand tied behind your back, and Gnome3 is just amazing (imo)a(n) person, Rob Myers likes this.
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, a(n) person shared this.
2011-12-19T16:41:33+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Let's get some people coming to OctConf! http://ur1.ca/6ueg92011-12-01T16:43:02+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
New York, New York, it's a hell of a town!2011-10-21T10:56:35+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
At the airport heading to !gsoc party in Mountain View!2011-10-05T18:15:50+00:00 in Earth via web To: Public
Man, !Octave stable release is abou to happen. Exciting!