spzpp2 spz@identi.ca

Dresden, Germany

Look how I can surf the web!


  • Astro astro@identi.ca


  • Dr. Azrael Tod drazraeltod@identi.ca


    ja.. ein Idiot, Troll und Nerd halt...

  • eri! eri451@identi.ca

  • hirnbloggade hirnbloggade@identi.ca

    Hamburg, Germany

    Wissenschaftler, Behindertenpädagoge und Podcaster ( @SpoilerAlert42 und @trojaalert)

  • Pete Daniels pete@identi.ca

    The City, MN

    The brand you trust! Look for it wherever the shit hits the fan! Now writing on baseball at sportazine.com and baseball history at buffalopete.net.

  • Bembel ::BK:: bembel@identi.ca


    Blick über den Bembelrand :: Spinnen, das sonderbare Dasein der Humanoiden und der übliche Rest

  • farao farao@identi.ca

  • Hoàng Xuân Phú phunehehe@identi.ca

    FOSS advocate, Linux fan, social geek

  • Hezy Amiel hezy@identi.ca

    Ruẖama, Israel

    A physics teacher and a science fan. User of free software, student of interesting things.

  • Wikileaks wikileaks2@identi.ca

    Craddock, United States

    We open governments.

  • Cap'n Crunch copycat@identi.ca

    openly defying expectations since 19xx

  • mamue mamue@identi.ca


  • Hendrik hoodie@identi.ca

    Dresden, Germany

  • Funatiker funatiker@identi.ca

    Pirmasens, Germany

    Geburt: [x] done; Leben: [ ] in Arbeit; Tod: [ ] when it's done;

  • micuintus micu@identi.ca

  • dodo dodothelast@identi.ca

    buddycloud webclient hacker and cocreator of codetube generally interested in any real-time stuff

  • thammi thammi@identi.ca