Joachim Breitner shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-07-08T12:03:28+00:00 via web To: Public
If assembly is generated from C, is C a degenerated form of assembly?Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
plomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-07-02T12:33:07+00:00 via web To: Public
Internet-Pranger für Ex-Veganer, mit Suizid-Aufforderung. Ich invoziere Poe's Law: http://www.exvegans.com/our-mission/ via @michaelhaaDr. Azrael Tod shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-26T18:05:31+00:00 via web To: Public
http://bit.ly/15Ga9S5 # One person's idea of the ultimate vim config. Maybe not yours, but you might find tidbits in here to try.Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-22T10:29:29+00:00 via web To: Public
"Death by command line": 7 results; "Death by windows": 33,900 results. Proof that the command line is safer.Funatiker, a(n) person, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Emmanuel Ninos, Dr. Azrael Tod, Thibaut BOYER shared this.
@climagic Those that use the CLI are generally speaking more skilled.Freemor at 2013-06-22T12:21:34+00:00
David Black, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
plomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-17T10:12:47+00:00 via web To: Public
Im Kampf gegen die Pädophilie hilft nur eins – die KleinKinder-BurkaPflicht! http://ur1.ca/ecl2xDr. Azrael Tod, Benni Bärmann shared this.
Debian Project shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-14T07:22:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Remove unofficial !debian-multimedia.org repository from your sources - http://bit.ly/151u5i1Arthur Lutz, www.rzr.online.fr, vicantre, Jesus Alexis and 17 others shared this.
♻ RT@debian Remove unofficial !debian-multimedia.org repository from your sources - http://bit.ly/151u5i1And what happened to the http://ur1.ca/98wg5? He appears to be active. This news seems old.inkorrupt shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-13T10:09:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Ihr betretet das Territorium der Bunten Republik Neustadt. http://ur1.ca/eb07o #brn13Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
plomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-12T13:41:42+00:00 via web To: Public
Wer die Wüste nicht ehrt, ist das Spice nicht wert.Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
2013-06-06T08:56:25+00:00 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany via web To: Public
#SuperTuxKart fährt jetzt auch durch #OSM-Karten http://identi.ca/url/75961691 http://identi.ca/url/75961692 :Dswordfish23 shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-06-03T11:41:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Schwimmanleger http://instagram.com/p/aF_JhNrElQ (Schnappschuss von heut morgen ca 9 Uhr) #dresden #hochwasserDr. Azrael Tod shared this.
2013-05-24T11:04:14+00:00 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany To: Public
hahaha… einer der #Nachbarn hat seinen Vito #Kleinbus zum #Entladen bis vor die Bürotür gefahren – im 3. OG#Parkplatzmangel nimmt Ausmaße an – #Notlösung auch für Büros im 3. #OG gefunden: http://identi.ca/url/75894402plomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-05-24T06:37:01+00:00 via web To: Public
Muss mir zusammenreißen, um nicht in arrogantes Höhöhö über Nutzer eines DRM-Systems auszubrechen: http://ur1.ca/dzioh via @andreasdotorgBembel ::BK:: likes this.
Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
2013-05-22T06:48:22+00:00 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany To: Public
total albern dieses "Candy Box"-Spiel #candybox #candy http://candies.aniwey.net/ - hält mich nicht davon ab es gut zu findenCommand Line Magic shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-05-18T09:30:30+00:00 via web To: Public
Unix Bands: The Whois, Ctrl-Z top, AC/DC++, Iron RAIDen, /bin/joevi, Dev Leopard, Run-BSD, The Piping Heads, YES (of course) #geekbandnamesDr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod, Karl Harris, Karl Harris and 2 others shared this.
plomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-05-17T09:16:10+00:00 via web To: Public
ServiceHinweis an TwitterMitleser mit mal geklicktem identi·ca-Account: 1·Juni werden da alle seit 1·Mai 2012 unbenutzten Accounts gelöscht.Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
2013-05-17T07:38:34+00:00 in Pieschen, Saxony, Germany To: Public
oh super, vserver rebootet und ist nicht mehr erreichbar, natürlich keine Vorwarnung von @hetznerstatus o.ä. Muss endlich Anbieter wechselnplomlompom shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-05-15T12:02:21+00:00 via web To: Public
Angehende Ärztin aus meinem Bekanntenkreis traut sich keinen Kirchenaustritt, weil das ihre Berufschancen mindern würde.Elias Schwerdtfeger, Elias Schwerdtfeger, Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Dr. Azrael Tod at 2013-05-03T19:18:53+00:00 via web To: Public
animate -window $( xwininfo -int -name "Desktop" | grep "Desktop" | awk '{print $4}' ) http://i\.imgur\.com/u17w83i.gif # Anim root window.Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
2013-04-26T07:50:33+00:00 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany To: Public
!Drosselkom - meine Meinung zur aktuellen Sau die durchs Dorf rennt - http://identi.ca/url/75740153 #Telekom #Drossel #Bandbreite2013-04-26T07:49:10+00:00 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany To: Public
*knock knock* - Who's there? - "UTF-8 with BOM!"