Ben Sturmfels

Ben Sturmfels at

Slightly creeped out that my accountant's Windows laptop is showing an animation of an eyeball and "looking for you..." while it attempts to to do facial recognition on an empty chair.

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Just "my accountant" + "Windows laptop" is scary enough ๐Ÿ˜…

JanKusanagi at 2019-06-18T12:19:55Z

I'd like it to be different, but at least in Australia, the systems are so heavily stacked in favour of proprietary and SAS accounting tools that I imagine it would currently be nearly impossible to be an a professional tax accountant using free software.

The Australian Tax Office is in the process of rolling out processes where you must report payments to employees monthly online. I need to investigate, but I suspect I won't find any good news.

Meanwhile, I do all my business bookkeeping with Ledger which works well for me!

Ben Sturmfels at 2019-06-20T01:59:37Z

ยป Ben Sturmfels:

โ€œ[...] I need to investigate, but I suspect I won't find any good news. [...]โ€

Yep, I wouldn't have much hope...

JanKusanagi at 2019-06-20T14:05:41Z