Ben Sturmfels stumbles@identi.ca
Ballarat, Australia
Free software activist who loves riding bikes and flying kites. Lead developer at www.sturm.com.au.
2021-04-10T01:51:02Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Got up before light to move 8 hives of bees with Dad. It's become a really fulfilling hobby, even just for the time spent we spend together.
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
MediaGoblin community meeting this weekend
2020-05-15T02:44:42Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Join us at 8am Sat May 16 UTC-4 (aka 12pm UTC) https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/mediagoblin-devel/2020-05/msg00010.html
Looking ahead after our recent 0.10.0 release!
RiveraValdez, Michele Montagna likes this.
soloojos, Michele Montagna shared this.
MediaGoblin 0.10.0
2020-05-04T06:59:29Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
We just released MediaGoblin v0.10.0 including subtitles and multiple video resolutions! https://mediagoblin.org/news/mediagoblin-0.10.0-release.html
Michele Montagna likes this.
2020-04-29T01:32:04Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Working towards the release of MediaGoblin 0.10.0 later this week. Nearly there!
MATTEO BECHINI, Splicer, McClane likes this.
McClane shared this.
MediaGoblin: We're still here!
2020-04-07T04:01:39Z via Pumpa To: Public, Christopher Allan Webber CC: Followers
It's been a little quieter in MediaGoblin -land over the last few years, but work continues! Here's a project update.
Aug 30/31 Workshop: Contribute to Free and Open Source Software
2019-08-20T00:41:51Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Have you ever imagined yourself coding on a Free Software and Open Source project? We'll help you get started in this mentored workshop https://dif.vic.gov.au/event/10088280-a/contribute-to-free-and-open-source-software-workshop
Amitai Schleier likes this.
2019-08-19T02:06:47Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Gnome offering to save my GPG key passphrase forever seems like it's tempting me into bad security habits. My GPG is relatively important to me, and unlike lesser accounts that I use a password manager for, I commit this passphrase to memory. What do other people think of this?
At minimum, I'd like to say "never ask me to save this passphrase".
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-08-19T02:08:52Z
Sarah Elkins likes this.
2019-08-17T13:06:01Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
The cat's away so I'm learning to crochet
Jason Self likes this.
Running a new X230T with Coreboot
2019-08-16T01:14:45Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
My good friend Damien Zammit has ported CoreBoot to the Lenovo X230T and provided me with one of these machines. I'm super happy with it; it's significantly more powerful than my X200, more cores, more memory, better 3D graphics performance, DisplayPort, USB3, great battery life, better screen, but still very compact. I can compile big Guix packages like qtwebkit in the background while I'm working without any issues. I didn't realise, but the tablet screen is actually a proper Wacom tablet with a pressure-sensitive stylus. Super useful for annotating PDFs, but who knows, even some art?
zykotick9 likes this.
2019-06-18T06:28:18Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Slightly creeped out that my accountant's Windows laptop is showing an animation of an eyeball and "looking for you..." while it attempts to to do facial recognition on an empty chair.
Sarah Elkins, McClane likes this.
I'd like it to be different, but at least in Australia, the systems are so heavily stacked in favour of proprietary and SAS accounting tools that I imagine it would currently be nearly impossible to be an a professional tax accountant using free software.
The Australian Tax Office is in the process of rolling out processes where you must report payments to employees monthly online. I need to investigate, but I suspect I won't find any good news.
Meanwhile, I do all my business bookkeeping with Ledger which works well for me!
GNU Guix reached version 1.0 today
2019-05-03T00:11:33Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
This is one of the #freesoftware projects that's most inspiring to me at the moment and that I use every day https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/blog/2019/gnu-guix-1.0.0-released/
martinho, McClane, dowie, nukem and 1 others likes this.
McClane shared this.
2019-04-25T00:51:39Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
From the noise, I have a feeling that the podiatrist next door has started a side business in medieval torture. Or blokes just aren't good with pain.
McClane likes this.
It might be the first option.
You know, some "medieval experience", for tourists 😆
JanKusanagi at 2019-04-25T14:28:19Z
Ben Sturmfels likes this.
Neighbors on both sides of me (townhouse, shared walls) are doing home construction involving drill noises, and have barking dogs. No screams, though.Sarah Elkins at 2019-04-28T16:27:01Z
Ben Sturmfels likes this.
2019-03-25T22:57:25Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
OMG, I didn't realise that Emacs has state of the art encryption built into message-mode. Just type your email and hit
C-c c-r
McClane likes this.
2019-02-21T23:29:21Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Spent a fun morning playing with robots with the Caledonian Primary School grade 1-2s
McClane, zykotick9, Sarah Elkins likes this.
2019-01-25T00:52:39Z via Pumpa To: Public, joeyh CC: Followers
@joeyh is this like what you do? www.cloggingaustralia.com
2019-01-21T06:45:50Z via Pumpa To: Public, Karl Fogel CC: Followers
@Karl Fogel: What words would you use for the opposite of "free of charge" when specifically talking about price and not about software freedom? Eg. I installed the "pay to download" plugin for WordPress.
McClane likes this.
Hey, Ben. Are you talking about situations where the bits are freely licensed but a particular distributor is charging you a fee to copy from them as a source? If so, I try to do what you do above: attach the fee to the verb (the act of copying) not to the thing being copied -- as long as the fee really is imposed only by that source, and is not part of the licensing terms for the bits themselves (because in the latter case, obviously it is not free software and so there is by definition a software freedom non-freeness going on too). So, assuming the former: "convenience fee for copying", or "trusted-source copying charge", or something like that -- the best phrase will depend on the context in which it's being used. I think there can't easily be one set phrase that works in all circumstances, precisely because the fee is specific to the verb -- to the particulars of *this* copying situation as opposed to some other way of obtaining the bits -- and not specific to the bits themselves, which would be more or less the same whatever source they're obtained from.Er, is that useful?2019-01-21T06:38:12Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I'd totally misjudged WooCommerce, the e-commerce module for Wordpress, assuming that it was proprietary. Turns out that the free of charge base shop and all the pay to download plugins are GPL v3 licensed free software. I'm seriously impressed.
McClane likes this.
Doug Whitfield shared this.
What are your favourite piano songs?
2019-01-10T23:27:36Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I'm starting up piano lessons again as an adult and really enjoying it! I'm looking for ideas for some new favourite songs, so if you played/play, what songs do you always go back to? My top 3 are probably Wedgewood Blues, Chariots of Fire and Brick by Ben Folds Five.
McClane likes this.
McClane shared this.
Show all 6 repliesI haven't played this, but I've sung it! (with the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vftuJTzaO-0Hmm, it doesn't show a preview. It's not a rickroll; it's a piano rendition of the Dummy! song from Undertales, a little ragtime fun, showing the keys to hit as it plays.I'll have to give it a go, thanks! https://musescore.com/jestermusician/undertale_dummy
Ben Sturmfels at 2019-01-13T13:08:13Z
Sarah Elkins likes this.
2018-11-05T00:53:34Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Why doesn't #Python use significant whitespace in it's data structure literals?
ClojureScript loves
2018-10-26T01:10:35Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I've spent the last three weeks or so on my first work related project in ClojureScript (ie. JavaScript in Lisp). Overall I'm very enthusiastic about the platform, but it's been gruelling to get all the tooling working, learn the new idioms and to wrap my mind around Om.next. But let's start with the good. I love hyphens in variable names (eg.
).clacke@libranet.de ❌ likes this.