Tantek Çelik t@identi.ca
Georg Portenkirchner portenkirchner@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Living and working in Munich, Germany, doing things with the web. http://portenkirchner.net/
Richard Smedley richardsmedley@identi.ca
Social entrepreneur, 3rd sector techie, and Free Software supporter. Amateur musician, and former professional organic horticulturist.
Gerard Braad gbraad@identi.ca
Remote (global), Beijing (北京), Amsterdam
[ Doing Open Source Matters | Director of Engineering @UnitedStack | former #ThoughtWorker | #FOSS & IT Consultant | #FullStack #DevOps #Mobile #Web ]
Alexandre Enkerli enkerli@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
French-speaking ethnographer, beer homebrewer, coffee homeroaster, saxophone player. (aka @iethnographer)
Junge Piraten jungepiraten@identi.ca
Die Jungen Piraten. Die Jugendorgansation der Informationsgesellschaft. www.junge-piraten.de