Tim Dobson tdobson@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Thinker, Blogger, Hacker, Hiker. Call me on 0800 112 6000. Dents in a personal capacity
Peter Cannon at 2011-09-22T09:50:44+00:00
Pleasure. That'll be £37.28 consultancy fee. :-DTim Dobson likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-20T18:25:40+00:00
You used to be about the freedom, man.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Tim Dobson, Patrick Niedzielski, gryps75 and 8 others likes this.
Account to delete, Account to delete shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2011-08-04T09:29:32+00:00
Hey, #BPI, Meet the New Rule: Show Evidence - http://bit.ly/rt6ROO sorry, tired old rhetoric doesn't cut it anymore #hargreaves #piracyTim Dobson likes this.
Tim Dobson, Tim Dobson, Sander, Sander shared this.
Frank Karlitschek at 2011-07-10T18:30:45+00:00
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV. #quoteofthedayTim Dobson, Dalba, Alex, Jonathan Kolberg likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr., Aline Carvalho, Aline Carvalho and 14 others shared this.
Chris Warburton at 2009-02-20T10:51:08+00:00
So I now have a crack running the whole diagonal length of the screen. Thanks Loz. Thoz.Tim Dobson likes this.