2016-04-05T14:52:54Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2016-04-05T14:52:03Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-08-13T18:32:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
Spending the time improve on understanding code in order to build on projects that are truly worth preserving, while developing new ones that deserve to be shared.Vladimir likes this.
Vladimir shared this.
2014-06-28T14:19:04Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-11-15T02:22:13Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
We must respect each other equally. No one is treated fairly, but the gift of life is something that cannot be taken for granted.2012-12-29T00:08:18+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
The command lines never gets to old however advanced the GUI gets2012-03-17T22:59:55+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
You've come this far. Why fail now? Succeed in making the dreams that keep you up at night a reality by working a little on them each day.2012-01-15T15:32:17+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
A free repository must provide value for the packages within it to those accessing it and those who want to contribute.2011-10-30T15:42:34+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
Platforms are as distinct as the people who develop them and are as unique as what they can be used for2011-09-16T10:09:59+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
Our ability to think differently about life requires constant reflection on improving how we can become better for ourselves.2011-04-02T17:21:19+00:00 in Buffalo, New York, United States To: Public
Just finished flashing Nokia N900.