Almost there! Campaign ends this Friday, and we’re close!
Closer than we look, even... we're well over halfway to the 10k
matching grant, and once we hit that, we're 93% of the way to the second
We can do this!
Let's wrap up this week with style! Support MediaGoblin!
Let's wrap up this week with style! Support MediaGoblin!
a(n) person, bustillo, JMobile, lostson and 2 others likes this.
Jose Carlos Jimenez, Jose Carlos Jimenez, xexio, Alexandre Oliva and 6 others shared this.

Now you're making me want to donate a third time :-)
sazius at 2014-04-14T16:55:58Z
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Christopher Allan Webber likes this.