Aram Visser Aram@microca.st
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Computer geek. Tour guide. Sees elephants almost daily (and is still amazed by them).
Jordi Inglada inglada@identi.ca
Harish Pillay harishpillay@identi.ca
human, hacker, engineer, hashman, son, husband, father living 1 deg North, 103 deg East
Techrights' IRC Aggregator boycottnovell@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Aggregator for #techrights (FreeNode) at techrights.org, formerly #boycottnovell (FreeNode) for the Boycott Novell campaign.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz schestowitz@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Software Engineer, interdisciplinary researcher, and an advocate of fair competition