Tekk Has Moved tekk@identi.ca
Lebanon, United States
moved to tekk dotcom dot ar slash statusnet, so add tekk at tekk dot com dot ar(as in argentina) slash statusnet
Urpo Lankinen wwwwolf@identi.ca
Oulu, Finland
I'm just a random computer guy who also writes and draws. I also like cute wolves!
Osama Khalid osamak@identi.ca
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Human rights, justice and software freedom are things I care about. (Lazy) programmer. Translator (for hire!). PGP: 5A103D8C
Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca
Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile
IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!
Marie Axelsson maloki@identi.ca
Vänsjö, Sweden
Geeky linux gurl. Semiinlove with ubuntu. Write a lot. About everything! Now addicted to #GuildWars2
Arne Babenhauserheide arnebab@identi.ca
Graben-Neudorf, Germany
Free licensing idealist, roleplayer, hobby musician and writer, python coder, doing phd in physics – avatar from Trudy Wenzel (GPL). Find me on http://draketo.de and http://1w6.org