2013-06-10T16:23:50+00:00 via Choqok To: KDE, Public
Ezio Vergine likes this.
2013-06-07T19:24:39+00:00 via Choqok To: KDE, Public
2013-04-10T21:10:43+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Closing bugs in the !Chakra bug tracker for the first time! Feels good! =D2012-08-28T08:34:29+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Officially a !freedombox community angel! The t-shirt is finally here! =DLydia Pintscher shared by tetris4 at 2012-03-28T23:18:59+00:00 via mustard To: Public
towards a new vision for the !KDE workspaces http://ur1.ca/8ttd42011-12-02T20:34:52+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@malcer Yeah it was included in the latest iso, if only more users spent the time to read it..especially newcomers!2011-11-10T02:50:13+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
I just pushed my first commit into !chakra 's core repository. Nothing major, but I will take a moment and celebrate! =)Adrián Chaves Fernández likes this.
2011-10-18T22:09:52+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@malcer btw, did you try "sudo /etc/rc.d/bluetooth restart" ?2011-10-11T11:21:59+00:00 To: eomer, Public
@j2sg that version has several issues, 0.7.92 is much improved. Built here against latest qtwebkit with support for HTML5, !rekonq rocks!@tetris4 thanks for the information, I'll check out.2011-10-05T13:53:23+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
2011-09-09T20:40:48+00:00 To: Rajit Vikram Singh, a(n) person, Public
2011-05-14T13:33:53+00:00 To: Kete Foy, a(n) person, Public
2011-07-02T18:38:50+00:00 To: F-Droid, Public
@fdroid hey, what's up with site registration? I keep getting errors and can't create an account.. =/2009-09-02T11:40:20+00:00 To: Public
Why Software is not treated fairly @ http://www.mygnulinux.com/?p=1242009-06-28T12:34:48+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@zarin I like the work a l0t..Why do u think the close buttons are confusing?2009-06-28T13:13:37+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@zarin =p The obvious would be what i mentioned b4. Cant u change it? Also the ability to set your own settings would be best!2009-06-28T13:01:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@zarin well since each tab has its own close button, the obvious would be that this button on the end-right closes all of the tabs at once!?2009-05-24T17:31:35+00:00 To: Public
new site up and running: www.mygnulinux.com