FabriceFloreThebault themr0c@identi.ca
Brussels, Belgium
technical writer, free software enthusiast, automated deployment, configuration management, asset inventory, devops
Planet Debian Fr planetdebianfr@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Planète de la communauté francophone des contributeurs Debian.
Jeudis du Libre de Belgique jeudisdulibrebe@identi.ca
Meule Meersen, Belgium
Rencontres mensuelles autour des logiciels libres, à Mons le troisième jeudi.
Clement OUDOT coudot@identi.ca
Lyon, France
LemonLDAP::NG main developper, LDAP Tool Box project leader, fond of free software and identity management!
FusionInventory fusioninventory@identi.ca
Burton, United States
Modular and multi-platform hardware & software inventory of assets
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
The Document Foundation tdforg@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
It is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law.
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
Carl Chenet carlchenet@identi.ca
Paris, France
Cloud Architect. Debian developer & Python addict. Wrote some articles about Free Software. Tea addict. Wine lover.
MozillaZine-fr mozillazinefr@identi.ca
Melun, France
Compte suspendu : suivez-nous sur https://twitter.com/MozillaZineFr Informations sur la galaxie Mozilla : Firefox, Firefox OS, Firefox pour Android, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, BlueGriffon, KompoZer, leurs extensions, etc.
Les Mongueurs de Perl mongueurs@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
association Les Mongueurs de Perl, pour la promotion du langage Perl en France et dans le monde francophone
Raphaël Hertzog raphaelhertzog@identi.ca
La Talaudière, France
Debian developer, Free software consultant, author of a Debian book. My passion: contributing to debian.
Monique Brunel webatou@identi.ca
Mons, Belgium
En campagne pour des sites Web de qualité, conformes et accessibles - Mozilla Rep | Firefox, logiciels libres, formats ouverts, TIC...