Christopher Yee Mon tinygrasshopper@identi.ca
Jono Bacon at 2012-06-18T15:06:25+00:00
Join our first Ubunu App Showdown workshop - Intro to Python, live on YouTube - http://youtu.be/UwbRQUCb5XM #ubuntuChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Jono Bacon at 2012-04-23T20:25:41+00:00
SJVN's 79 year-old mum found Ubuntu 12.04 a breeze - http://is.gd/busuMS - Linux for human beings! #ubuntuChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Billy at 2010-06-20T14:19:18+00:00
♺ @mohanpram: Has Windows 7 killed Linux on the desktop? http://ur1.ca/0a4nh (via @techradar)Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-06-19T11:04:31+00:00
New PDF, CLI, and VP8 Tools from Google http://ur1.ca/09l6s http://ur1.ca/09l6u http://ur1.ca/09l6x http://ur1.ca/09l6zChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-25T22:35:41+00:00
New !Linux #Benchmarks and Why They Sometimes Lack Accuracy/Meaning http://ur1.ca/03f60 http://ur1.ca/03f61Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-25T22:37:06+00:00
Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Billy at 2010-05-17T23:14:12+00:00
"Facebook Privacy: Secrets Unveiled - PCWorld" from http://www.pcworld.com/article/196410/facebook_privacy_secrets_unveiled.htmlNandan, Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Renata Avila, Renata Avila shared this.
Billy at 2010-05-13T17:02:29+00:00
"Sonys Removal Of Linux PS3 Option Screws Air Force - The Consumerist - StumbleUpon" from http://ur1.ca/00qdgChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
snarf at 2010-05-10T05:37:23+00:00
Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
@snarf !GNU/!Linux systems are usually too aggressive for the frozen-style of those sterile and clonable apps http://is.gd/c2ag6@snarf That conversation's missing the point - the game should be portable by design, using x-platform libs, then it's not a problem to portDr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-07T16:29:54+00:00
Why Source Code Helps #Android and Why It Should Also Embrace Freedom http://ur1.ca/zhrw http://ur1.ca/zhrxChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-04-30T23:24:52+00:00
Does #Android ’s Chief Compare Steve Jobs to North Korea’s Dead Leader (Kim Il-sung)? http://ur1.ca/y6k2 #linux #appleChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-04-20T12:13:00+00:00
#Android / #Linux - New Phones, New Features http://ur1.ca/w1xo http://ur1.ca/w1xp http://ur1.ca/w1xqChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-04-11T20:41:07+00:00
#Android / #Linux Expands to Robots, More Shops http://ur1.ca/ulbm http://ur1.ca/ulbn http://ur1.ca/ulbpChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Billy at 2010-04-09T23:46:52+00:00
"Is Steve Jobs Ignoring History, Or Trying To Rewrite It?" from http://ur1.ca/ucg2Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Did Steve Jobs actually believe it then? http://kosso.phreadz.com/x/BOGH0QHEI5G0/ #1984 #freedom #open #closedGreg Grossmeier at 2010-04-06T22:21:36+00:00
Python programmers, go get hired! ♺ @openlibrary: We're hiring! http://blog.openlibrary.org/2010/04/06/were-hiring/Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-03-15T22:28:42+00:00
Why #Gnash Can be Better Than #Flash and Help the Web http://ur1.ca/pw37 #adobe #flush #flush #flushChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-03-15T22:02:45+00:00
Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Sander at 2010-02-11T12:22:50+00:00
Open source not free, Australian Senate hears http://bit.ly/aaCbZE It is free, but not as in beer #blamepopeyChristopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-02-06T02:06:33+00:00
A Detailed Look at #Graphics Stack of Next Linux Release; #NVIDIA Has New #Linux Drivers http://ur1.ca/llr7 http://ur1.ca/llr8Christopher Yee Mon likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-02-06T02:10:29+00:00
Christopher Yee Mon likes this.