Toby Inkster tobyink@identi.ca
Darlington, United Kingdom
Website: https://toby.ink/ Microblog: https://toots.toby.ink/@tobyink
2020-06-04T11:31:01Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2012-12-16T15:49:55+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via Net::Twitter To: Perl users, Public
Hurrah! My !Perl advent entry was published today... http://ur1.ca/c39yc2012-09-21T10:40:39+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Most awesome site ever... http://www.wheresthehashkeyonamac.co.uk/2012-09-17T08:18:51+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
I wonder if anybody has ever tried to build a bacon-based CPU cooling system? Perhaps not very practical, but it would smell fantastic.2012-08-12T23:04:15+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
... and so the #Olympics ends with a touching tribute to "CSI: NY". ;-)2012-08-06T15:06:58+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
I rather like #Wikipedia minus all the CSS and JS.2012-07-31T08:23:17+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via Net::Twitter To: Public
Transport around London actually seems better than usual this morning. #olympics2012-07-23T16:10:42+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
2012-07-21T19:24:25+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
My candidate for best line in any film ever: "he chose poorly" (the knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade).2012-07-20T22:47:19+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
#BBC 3 announcer: "BBC 3 is going 24/7 with Olympic coverage from 9 am to 11pm". You're not quite understanding the meaning of "24/7" Beeb.2012-07-16T10:13:11+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Useful #perl shell alias... `alias ascii perl -e"printf(qq(%d 0x%02X\n), ord, ord) for @ARGV"`2012-07-11T21:39:11+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
They're calling it LIBORgate now? I imagine that if there were another scandal at the Watergate Hotel it would now be called "Watergategate"2012-05-03T12:02:31+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Should the Etch-a-Sketch be considered the primary precursor to tablet computers?Do any animals live in the air and periodically breathe water?
2012-04-16T23:15:41+00:00 via web To: Public
a(n) person likes this.
@evan some rockstars take enough drugs to live in a permanent state of flight & drink enough booze you'd think they breathe it if that count2012-03-31T12:26:03+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Perl users, Public
@tobyink Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, not sure I like it too much, but oh well :)2012-03-20T00:19:26+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Seems the Olympic torch relay is going to go past my front door on 17 July. Literally past my front door.2012-03-18T21:59:17+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Yay! Mark Gatiss is guest starring in #Being_Human next week.2012-03-14T10:14:04+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via Net::Twitter To: Perl users, Public
Useful shell alias for !perl one-liner... alias unixtime="perl -MDateTime -E'say DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>shift)'"2012-03-14T18:18:09+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via Net::Twitter To: Public
What on Earth is going on at #Earl's_Court station? Dozens of riot police; queues to walk(!) up the escalator.2012-03-05T22:54:34+00:00 in Lewes, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Apparently #Putin won by a margin of almost 300 million votes.