Elena ``of Valhalla''

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at

Debian -- News -- Debian 9 "Stretch" released
After 26 months of development the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 9 (code name Stretch), which will be supported for the next 5 years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and of the Debian Long Term Support team. Debian 9 is dedicated to t...
(and if you are in my area and want to celebrate, join us this afternoon in Tradate: http://www.gl-como.it/v2015/debian-stretch-release-party/ )
(e se siete da queste parti e volete celebrare, unitevi a noi questo pomeriggio a Tradate: http://www.gl-como.it/v2015/debian-stretch-release-party/ )

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