Valorie Cowan Zimmerman valoriez@identi.ca
Kummer, United States
Writer, PFLAG mom, Linux user, grandma, music lover, reader, genealogy researcher
Juan Carlos Torres jucato@identi.ca
Laguna, Philippines
Self-professed coder. Expert procrastinator. Novice productivity ninja. Recovering Ragnarok Online addict. And lover of all things blue.
Brianna Laugher pfctdayelise@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
wikichiki, feminist, cyclist, introverted, vegetarian Pythonista, GEEK.
Allison Randal allisonrandal@identi.ca
Leslie Hawthorn lh@identi.ca
Portland, United States
Free Culture and Open Source Software Advocate, Medieval English Literature Geek, Cat Herder Extraodinaire
Thomas Gideon cmdln@identi.ca
Washington, DC
A peculiar character. https://peculiarcharacter.com and https://thecommandline.net
Hanna Skott hskott@identi.ca
Linköping, Sweden
Well gosh, if you don't know me don't bother reading stuff I write...
Jon A. Cruz joncruz@identi.ca
Agua Caliente, Mexico
OpenSource developer, father, color wrangler, inkscape dev
Chuck Frain chuck@identi.ca
Overbrook, United States
A technology hobbyist with a bent for Open Source and believe in privacy and security. I'm involved in several MD area Linux groups.
Clay Weber claydoh@identi.ca
Mooresville, United States
A long time KDE user from Maine. The only things more interesting than computers (and my wife) are my 3 dogs :)
James Cain ronnoc@identi.ca
Lebanon, United States
Computer consultant, Geek, Father, Hockey, Music, Travel, Camping, Mopar nut. Opensource / KDE. Lust for life. & Music!
Shantanu Tushar shantanutushar@identi.ca
Account to delete poisonlux@identi.ca
Cillian de Róiste goibhniu@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Linux/Python/Zope developer, free software/culture bigot, gaeilgeoir. Distro: http://nixos.org