Brianna Laugher pfctdayelise@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
wikichiki, feminist, cyclist, introverted, vegetarian Pythonista, GEEK.
2012-10-01T16:19:28+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: The Ada Initiative, Public
yo, @adainitiative is looking for 1000 Sustaining Donors. are you 1 yet? y not? donate.adainitiative.org now with t-shirts too !geekfem !wfs2012-09-13T03:28:40+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Free Software Foundation, Public
.@dreamhost is quadrupling donations to !FSF for the next 3 months - nice one! http://www.dreamhost.com/newsletter/0912.html#a4Chris Watkins likes this.
2012-05-02T14:19:52+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
In an opening message: "Here is my github:" Started wondering when did #okcupid go into jobs mkt? maybe I shd rm some programmery keywords@pfctdayelise Whoa. A dating message that mentions git? Win! ;)2012-05-02T13:54:04+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: a(n) person, melbourne, Public
#GGDmelb visited the !mel #hackerspace this evening. thanks to @geekscape for hosting us. :) photos http://flic.kr/s/aHsjzGkhxt #GGD2012-05-01T06:21:11+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
I kinda distrust unit tests. there, I said it!2012-04-24T13:07:57+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
How is it a clip by an Australian singer is blocked in AU "on copyright grounds"? Fuck you EMI. #copywrong youtube.com/watch?v=c1lpsu-PRyA2012-04-21T08:32:02+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
People think Dr Google is a quack; you should see the guy he refers you to, Dr Yahoo Answers!2012-04-20T05:15:50+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
if kd lang had been a programmer it would have been called "Constant Refactoring".Nathan R. Yergler, Nathan R. Yergler shared this.
2012-04-18T03:06:46+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
today feels bad. going to the dentist might actually improve it.2012-04-16T09:42:47+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: lazyweb, Public
dear !lazyweb. I want to make a bunch of #wikipedia pages into a simple #android app (offline). any suggestions for how to go about this?I will be interested in the solution, certainly. What is the extent?Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2012-04-16T09:52:05+00:00
2012-04-04T03:27:45+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
♪ if you go easy on me / I might go easy on you / if you go easy on me / honey, do it ♪2012-03-30T07:02:45+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
how many times can I listen to Rihanna's "Only Girl" on repeat? I'm thinking a few dozen at least.2012-03-16T12:19:07+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
Surely I'm too young to be this bitter.2012-03-11T10:49:49+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
2012-03-09T08:31:46+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
Hey foot, I know I daubed acid all over you, but if you wanted to stop hurting now and let me walk on you, that would be cool.2012-03-05T07:10:10+00:00 in Elwood, Victoria, Australia To: melbourne, Public
2012-03-02T01:07:35+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
woo #newsblur dev takes $ for open source work FT :) http://blog.newsblur.com/post/18561597889/going-full-time #newsreader #degooglify2012-03-01T13:48:31+00:00 in Melbourne, Australia To: Public
struggling to figure out how/when to get to central/sth america. 38 hours via vancouver? hmm maybe not. #travel@pfctdayelise #YVR is a nice airport with good free #wifi ( http://identi.ca/notice/81318364 ), but might not be worth it just for that. :)