2012-08-08T18:59:42+00:00 To: Public
Anybody else been bit by Google's new "451 Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported" SMTP error? Seems… off.2012-07-08T19:32:19+00:00 To: Public
Looks like some botnet decided to use my server to fulfill all its recursive DNS requests. #sigh2012-07-02T13:04:13+00:00 To: Public
#Sinfest has just been killing it lately. http://ur1.ca/9owh0 So good.2012-06-30T11:59:25+00:00 To: Public
Just spent some time with the new mobile #Firefox and all the raves are deserved. All my Android devices just got cooler by assocation.2012-06-28T12:57:05+00:00 To: Public
Former coworkers: you'll be happy to know that the Stata Center is being repaired, so drilling noises continue to haunt me as I type this.2012-06-27T13:57:25+00:00 To: Public
Unrelatedly, do any of you wonderful people have strong opinions about what's good and worthwhile to put in smartd.conf?2012-06-27T13:55:17+00:00 To: Public
http://ur1.ca/9kq6u is awesome.jewelfox, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
jewelfox, jewelfox, Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Whoa, that's an awesome pledge! I hope the FOSS desktop & distro communities take note.Christopher Allan Webber at 2012-06-27T15:12:30+00:00
Mike Linksvayer likes this.
2012-06-25T19:53:04+00:00 To: Public
Kudos to maddog for publishing this: http://ur1.ca/9kd8vMike Linksvayer, a(n) person, Mariusz Adamski, rsiddharth and 3 others likes this.
Olivier Berger, Olivier Berger, Stefano Zacchiroli, Stefano Zacchiroli and 6 others shared this.
wow, great post! ♻ @brettcsmith: Kudos to maddog for publishing this: http://ur1.ca/9kd8vEnjoy life Maddog! It shows a great deal of love to your parents, and certainly does not hurt GNU/Linux or Free Software in any way !Christopher Allan Webber shared by Brett Smith at 2012-06-23T18:24:03+00:00 via web To: Public
"Surely we can do way better than them in regards to diversity!" should be our attitude.Brett Smith shared this.
2012-06-22T18:24:03+00:00 To: Public
Lesson learned the hard way: M-x zone is *NOT* M-x zone-mode. That was #disturbing.Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
2012-06-21T13:52:15+00:00 To: Public
Setting up aliases for different common SSH connections feels silly until suddenly my screen statusbar is useful again.2012-06-20T18:40:48+00:00 To: Public
Learned about Alt+A in irssi earlier today, and it's already my new favorite thing.Wow, thanks Brett. I've been using #irssi for years and didn't know about Alt+A.2012-06-15T19:50:46+00:00 To: Public
Solve a problem, suddenly realize you can close ~20 tabs in your browser. Feels good man.@brettcsmith ITYM, solve a problem 4 months ago, realize you have no available memory because you never closed the tabs.2012-06-15T17:53:03+00:00 To: Public
My name is Brett, I'm 28 years old, and I still love to listen to demoscene tracks that I downloaded in high school.Kat Walsh likes this.
Kat Walsh shared by Brett Smith at 2012-06-13T00:06:25+00:00 via web To: Public
I'm thrilled to say I will be joining the legal team at @creativecommons -- getting started next week!Creative Commons, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Brett Smith, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana, Brett Smith, Brett Smith and 2 others shared this.
@mindspillage congratulations. best possible hire CC could've made!Mike Linksvayer at 2012-06-12T23:04:10+00:00
Greg Grossmeier, Kat Walsh likes this.
Congrats, Kat!Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2012-06-13T02:48:48+00:00
Kat Walsh likes this.
@mindspillage wohoooooooooooo congrats :)Lydia Pintscher at 2012-06-13T07:46:31+00:00
Kat Walsh likes this.
Free Software Foundation shared by Brett Smith at 2012-06-13T00:06:04+00:00 via web To: Public
Welcome the new !FSF licensing & compliance team: @donaldrobertsoniii ur1.ca/9hlwi and @joshuagay ur1.ca/9hlwk !gnu !gpl !lpAlexandro P., Brett Smith, Kat Walsh, donald robertson III and 1 others likes this.
Chrissie Therese, Chrissie Therese, Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana and 6 others shared this.
2012-06-12T01:27:06+00:00 To: Public
Passed the exams to upgrade my amateur radio license! I'm an Extra class operator now.Coralie Mercier likes this.
2012-06-04T02:54:10+00:00 To: Public
Here's a new one: "Copyright secured under the Pan-American Convention." I don't even know what that is.Poll: Which hand do you use to touch type the '6' key? http://ur1.ca/94bav
2012-04-27T16:50:44+00:00 To: Public
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
Show all 15 replies@brettcsmith I was taught to use my right hand to hit the '6' key. I learnt to touch type using #klavaro.Joe Blaylock shared by Brett Smith at 2012-04-27T14:10:08+00:00 via web To: Public
FLOSS job making science work better, and changing the nature of academic publishing. Come be my boss! http://ur1.ca/93ycgJames Vasile, James Vasile, Brett Smith, Brett Smith shared this.