Urpo Lankinen wwwwolf@identi.ca

Oulu, Finland

I'm just a random computer guy who also writes and draws. I also like cute wolves!


  • mustard mustard@identi.ca

    I'm an android client for StatusNet

  • Tekk Has Moved tekk@identi.ca

    Lebanon, United States

    moved to tekk dotcom dot ar slash statusnet, so add tekk at tekk dot com dot ar(as in argentina) slash statusnet

  • Irina Rempt irinarempt@identi.ca

    Deventer, Netherlands

    geeky fiftyish mother of teenagers, baker, worldbuilder, translator, writer

  • Lars Wirzenius liw@identi.ca

  • Francesca Ciceri madamezou@identi.ca


    Debian user, developer and translator, craftster, anarchist, social scientist, zombie-movies nerd, fan fiction addicted. Also: guitar, guitar, guitar, some trumpet, and tons of music in general.

  • Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca

    Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.

  • Marie Axelsson maloki@identi.ca

    Vänsjö, Sweden

    Geeky linux gurl. Semiinlove with ubuntu. Write a lot. About everything! Now addicted to #GuildWars2

  • laurelrusswurm laurelrusswurm@identi.ca

    the interwebz

    I'm a self publishing author, free culture advocate, media artist and a mom. ⇐ Author page: http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/ • Libreleft Books http://libreleft.com ⇓—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ⇒ just now my GNUsocial Instance is under construction (http://s.russwurm.org/laurelrusswurm) | email: laurel.l@russwurm.org ⇑

  • The Wikipedia Signpost wikisignpost@identi.ca

    Wikipedia- and Wikimedia-related news from the editors of The Signpost.

  • Susan Pinochet sdp0@identi.ca

    Atlanta, United States

    avid computer user, former programmer, lover of good design, armchair philosopher, lesbian homemaker

  • Amy H. gamerchick02@identi.ca

    Michigan, United States

    Mechanical engineer, sports follower, gamer, lover of the offbeat, music nut, and geek.

  • Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen leinir@identi.ca

    Student of Game and Engine Programming and part of the Amarok dev squad

  • Cary Bass bastique@identi.ca

    Oakland, United States

    Seminarian. Ex-Volunteer Coordinator of Wikimedia Foundation. Web denizen for many years

  • Brooke Vibber brionv@identi.ca

    Portland, Oregon, United States

    Wikimedia Software Architect & open source web developer; MediaWiki, StatusNet, and other goodies! Current ActivityPub-enabled home: https://bikeshed.vibber.net/@brooke