Yuri Volkov

Yuri Volkov at

sazius@pump.saz.im "Even in email, I don't address people as foobar@somesite.com in the text, and doing that doesn't add them as a recipient. Those addresses are for the to/cc headers"
So you agree that addressing people in a post is needed/is acceptable but don't like referring them by UserIDs or emails?! - this exactly fits into my proposal to delegate to client application this "on the fly" replacement of UserIDs to Display Names (optionally, if User needs this. See previous messages in the discussion...).

See? This note is completely out of context now. And is only sent to "Public", not addressed to sazius at all.

He won't be notified, and he won't receive it in his "Messages" inbox. This is just a plain Public message that happens to have the word "sazius" in it.

JanKusanagi at 2014-08-20T13:11:08Z

jankusanagi@identi.ca "See? This note is completely out of context now. And is only sent to "Public", not addressed to sazius at all.
He won't be notified, and he won't receive it in his "Messages" inbox. This is just a plain Public message that happens to have the word "sazius" in it."
I wrote that message at work, between lots of different activities plus I tried to emulate manually what application can easily automate. Struggling with Pump.io blindness to Comments on Comments... :-)
And naturally I forgot to send the composed message as a "reply".
This is a piece of cake to parse message for @username@hostname (or even for "Display name" of some favorited recipients...) and add them to "To" field. But this effectively frees a User from having that "To" field at all.

Yuri Volkov at 2014-08-20T17:53:37Z