Leslie Hawthorn lh@identi.ca
Portland, United States
Free Culture and Open Source Software Advocate, Medieval English Literature Geek, Cat Herder Extraodinaire
2012-08-15T05:02:08+00:00 via web To: Public
F/U to last dents: at least system is not too painful. Fill out reg form --> get reg email --> click link in reg email --> petition signed2012-08-15T04:59:03+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-08-15T04:58:38+00:00 via web To: Public
(2/2) /me grumps at register for account process on http://whitehouse.gov Worth it to lend support for an important issue #opensource #gov2012-08-15T04:58:13+00:00 via web To: Public
How did I miss this? petition to #Obama admin: Maximize public benefit of federal tech via #opensource licensing http://goo.gl/K920J (1/2)Free Software Foundation shared by Leslie Hawthorn at 2011-09-30T01:53:41+00:00 via web To: Public
New !fsf directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1m !gnu !lpAric Gardner, donald robertson III, Joshua Gay, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
Leslie Hawthorn, Leslie Hawthorn, Hugo Roy, Hugo Roy and 6 others shared this.
Thanks to 10 yrs of work by many ppl (both FSF staff & volunteers) who've made #FSF's Free Software Directory happen: http://ur1.ca/58r1lLots of work great from @peabo and many others -- going 10 years back -- as well!wikified! ♻ @fsf: New !FS directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1mFree Software Foundation shared by Leslie Hawthorn at 2011-09-30T01:53:41+00:00 via web To: Public
New !fsf directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1m !gnu !lpAric Gardner, donald robertson III, Joshua Gay, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
Leslie Hawthorn, Leslie Hawthorn, Hugo Roy, Hugo Roy and 6 others shared this.
Thanks to 10 yrs of work by many ppl (both FSF staff & volunteers) who've made #FSF's Free Software Directory happen: http://ur1.ca/58r1lLots of work great from @peabo and many others -- going 10 years back -- as well!wikified! ♻ @fsf: New !FS directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1m2011-09-16T18:27:18+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
If you have a few $s to spare, help #opensource & #npo #ngo folks get to the Non-Profit Dev Summit http://bit.ly/pHAZew / cc @aspirationtech2011-09-16T18:08:18+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
2011-09-13T22:04:33+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Really impressed with @Intel & their funding of university research that must be #opensource http://bit.ly/pTq4RF2011-09-07T23:45:42+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Software from MIT makes sure we won't be living in the Judge Dredd future http://bit.ly/nx2brg (Am I the only one who remembers this film?)Andrej Shadura, Andrej Shadura shared this.
2011-09-06T22:17:56+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Some useful info on engaging with child volunteers. Looks useful for #opensource projects wanting to do youth outreach. http://bit.ly/qq5hM22011-09-06T17:42:59+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
A new way to keep food both preservative and bacteria free: http://bit.ly/pNpiKg2011-09-02T00:39:21+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Heading to the @piepdx Ribbon Cutting http://ping.fm/jSUKp2011-08-24T05:31:33+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Dear world, It's Hawthorn with no "e" at the end. Like the tree, not the author. TYVM. That is all.2011-08-23T13:03:29+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Difference between gov and geek conferences? I am the only one in the room with laptop open. Fixing that now. #culturecollision2011-08-22T22:07:16+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
I find myself increasingly pessimistic re: future of USA. Feel better now - *thank you* for the inspiration Van Jones! http://huff.to/omkKcG2011-08-22T20:35:27+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Arrived for @goscondc - hoping to spend some time on the National Mall this evening.2011-08-18T00:08:51+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
This is going to be incredibly fun! http://ping.fm/SuglX (Yes, I rented a flapper dress.)2011-08-10T22:58:19+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
Sending thank you cards to @osuosl donors. Assume the geek community will be forgiving of my poor penmanship.2011-08-09T22:45:25+00:00 via Ping.fm To: Public
I'll be doing an @ntenorg webinar on #opensource for non-profits. Any suggestions on what I should cover? http://bit.ly/oxycyW