Matthias Benkard
2013-05-08T12:35:40+00:00 in Maxvorstadt, Germany To: Public
Lecture: Constructive mereological types and finite cardinals in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: a(n) person, Public
Function follows form: Applying algebra for fractions to derivation rules makes sense. Somewhat. Fontana shared by Matthias Benkard at 2013-03-19T20:29:28+00:00 via web To: Public
Matthias Benkard, Matthias Benkard, ❌, ❌ shared this.
@fontana indeed. The Clojure culture is even more permissive minded than that choice would suggest (generally)2012-06-07T10:37:09+00:00 in Neuherberg, Hochmutting, Bavaria, Germany To: Public
Was ist nur aus dem Wochenende geworden? - Link aus TTRSS-Reader: in Maxvorstadt, Germany To: Public
Immanuel Wallerstein: The World Left After 2011 - To: Public
Use of Private Contractors Doesn't Save Government Money, Study Finds in Munich, Germany To: Public
The Mac App Store has made Mac OS much less useful than it used to be. Lots of what used to be freeware has suddenly got a price tag.shared by Matthias Benkard at 2011-04-28T23:49:21+00:00 via web To: Public
"Cease and desist orders" for distributing !Debian is a prank - in Munich, Germany To: Public “n2n is not trying to attach trust to a connection.” Maybe I'm being dense here, but what good is encryption without trust?2010-12-29T22:26:48+00:00 in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany To: Public
Jason Riedy likes this.
2010-11-13T21:29:02+00:00 in Breinetsried, Bavaria, Germany To: Public
Today's lesson: Generally, install everything with “experimental” in its name. :)2010-11-13T21:26:13+00:00 in Breinetsried, Bavaria, Germany To: Public
I didn't know the GNOME Shell works with the Nouveau driver. Try this: sudo aptitude install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimentalCCC Updates shared by Matthias Benkard at 2010-11-02T22:39:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Großer Test zeigt: #ePA ist ideal für kokainabhängige Einbrecher. Benkard likes this.
Matthias Benkard, Matthias Benkard shared this.
2010-10-22T15:06:19+00:00 in Munich, Germany To: Public
Lecture: Algebraic recursion theory and transfinite type systems on non-Euclidean semitopologies !tplog2010-10-22T15:04:30+00:00 in Munich, Germany To: Public
New: An group concerning transfinite probability logic by Matthias Benkard at 2010-10-22T14:33:34+00:00 via web To: Public
The Mac App Store revolutionizes the way that applications are installed. By doing it the same way that Linux has for years.2010-10-21T21:23:10+00:00 To: Public
Mac OS X Lion's new “Mission Control” feature looks suspiciously similar to the GNOME Shell.2010-05-09T13:25:54+00:00 via web To: Public
#Ryzom MMORPG is free software: client & server AGPLv3, artwork CC-BY-SA 3.0! !gnu !fsfmathieui, Osama Khalid, Brett Smith, John Sullivan and 5 others likes this.
Matthias Benkard, Matthias Benkard, Aymeric Mansoux, Aymeric Mansoux and 6 others shared this.
2009-04-11T19:46:48+00:00 To: Public
#socat looks like it can make FIFOs out of TCP sockets and vice versa. I think one could make use of this for securing SLIME connections.2009-03-28T12:52:25+00:00 To: Public