Aracnus aracnus@identi.ca
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Biólogo e ativista do software livre, atuando no grupo Software Livre Educacional. Fico mais aqui: http://hub.vilarejo.pro.br/channel/aracnus
Adriano Passos adrianopassos@identi.ca
Brasileiro com orgulho! Nordestino cabra macho! Cearense da cabeça chata! Quer mais?!
douglas soares nerdlivre@identi.ca
Palmas, Brazil
http://www.facebook.com/blognerdlivre http://www.twitter.com/nerd_livre
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
Gustavo Soares
slotmg@identi.ca lnxwalt (140 char edition) 0re0@identi.ca
Fresno Crossing, United States
Busy working! We'll talk soon, I promise!
Ramón Ramón Sánchez ramonramon@identi.ca
Málaga, Spain
Convencido del Conocimiento Libre y la Cooperación. Fundador de Iniciativa Focus. Mi perfil: http://about.me/ramonramon
Larissa Garcia Oliva larilari@identi.ca
Antonio Almeida antonioalmeida@identi.ca
Belém, Brazil
Estudante no segundo semestre de Ciência da Computação, usuário de GNU/Linux, Fedora, etc, etc, etc...
Francisco Aparecido da Silva fafanet@identi.ca
I like GNU/Linux, I love freedom, and I read too many webcomics. I'm a very happy user of GNU/Debian, Gnome, Vim and Mutt.
Renato Candido renatocan@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
Electrical engineer with interests in digital signal processing and computer science.
Rafael Cruz Fernandes m1n3r0@identi.ca
Cinco Anzóis, Brazil
"Quem me procura me encontra." N{atur[(e)o]}bikerX
Hezy Amiel hezy@identi.ca
Ruẖama, Israel
A physics teacher and a science fan. User of free software, student of interesting things.