Aracnus aracnus@identi.ca
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Biólogo e ativista do software livre, atuando no grupo Software Livre Educacional. Fico mais aqui: http://hub.vilarejo.pro.br/channel/aracnus
Adonay Felipe Nogueira at 2014-06-04T02:47:05Z
Olá Aracnus, trago boas, neutras e más notícias:
A notícia boa é que não estás sozinho, parece que este já é um caso conhecido na comunidade do KDE, em especial no que tange o Dolphin e os sistemas de arquivos NFS, para mais informações visite https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=290680.
A notícia má é que, caso desejas esperar pelos desenvolvedores da distribuição GNU+Linux em uso (ou GNU+Linux-libre, bem... espero que seja este), como eu geralmente faço, vais ter que esperar que o KDE SC 4.10.2 seja disponibilizado à distribuição em questão.
A notícia neutra (só para quebrar o gelo, hehehe) é que peço desculpas por "gostar" da postagem, foi a única forma de lembrar-me dela usando o cliente AndStatus. :DAracnus likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2014-01-24T17:32:48Z
I have a Web wallet at http://blockchain.info/ and a desktop wallet using the default Bitcoin software. A lot of people like MultiBit because it doesn't download the whole blockchain. Check out http://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet for some suggestions.Aracnus likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-16T19:33:13Z
I just did a security release of StatusNet 1.1.x and 1.0.x. There's a SQL injection attack in the lists functionality that can get unauthorized data or on misconfigured servers can damage the file system.
Security releases suck. You have to do them immediately, as soon as you hear about them. You have to verify the error and make sure that it's actually exploitable.
Then you have to push everything out the door. I usually push the whole stable branch, so that means a few extra features and bug fixes go out with it.
You also have to check to see if earlier versions are vulnerable. For this one, the 1.0.x versions are vulnerable, so I had to cherry-pick and patch that one, too.
Make tarballs for both. Upload to status.net. Make a blog post.
Note on forum.status.net. /topic on #statusnet in Freenode.
Post on freshmeat.net.
My last task is to send out updates on update.status.net, but... the *.status.net wildcard SSL cert expired last Thursday! I have to upgrade that before sending anything out on update.hellekin, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ, j1mc, Aracnus and 12 others likes this.
Aracnus, Arthur Lutz, Johan Vervloet, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 3 others shared this.
Show all 8 repliesI'm sure you could have done without all that work right now. P.S. Some fine yak shaving with that ssl.rpcutts at 2013-07-16T20:41:08Z
Michele likes this.
I just want to point out that he maned to do all that AND get Taco Tuesday on the table on time. Mad skillz.Michele at 2013-07-17T02:03:53Z
Evan Prodromou, ostfriesenmärz, Stephen Michael Kellat, Ryan Weal likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-11T21:50:38Z
Thanks to everyone who has had kind words to say about identi.ca's new look today.
And thanks to everyone who's had critiques and bad reactions. Those help, too.
If anyone sees some things that need work, please try to sweep them in the direction of the issue tracker. It helps a lot.
If you haven't installed a desktop or android client yet, please give them a try; the developers have been working hard over the last few weeks to make them awesome for you.Hosh, Brian Wisti, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ, Kuro Sawai and 20 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Steven Rosenberg, Dylan Thiedeke, morgenland and 2 others shared this.
Show all 6 repliesWilliam, you webfinger ID, or just "your address" is your_identi.ca_username@identi.ca, or in your case: band@identi.ca
JanKusanagi at 2013-07-11T23:00:26Z
William L. Anderson likes this.
Desktop clients for pump.io: any recommendations, comparissons or just lists of available software?luissoeiro at 2013-07-12T12:17:40Z
Alberto Oses N. likes this.
https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/ClientsDeceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-07-13T07:04:40Z
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-09-01T19:48:43+00:00
To enable the #IPv6 PLUGIN for #Awstats, Net::IP & Net::DNS module requirement under !Debian: apt-get install libnet-dns-perl libnet-ip-perlAracnus, Jose R Rodriguez likes this.
Matthew O'Gorman at 2012-08-16T17:06:07+00:00
Aracnus likes this.
Gustavo Noronha Silva at 2012-07-19T19:50:28+00:00
Massa =) ♺ @fujii: Wow, so cool: http://ur1.ca/9sygv. Math is awesome, isn't it?Aracnus likes this.
Alexandre Oliva at 2012-07-04T20:47:23+00:00
ha! ♻ @jwildeboer: stuck in the toilet for 3 days as the door has a "slide to unlock" thingy. And as I do not want to get sued by Apple ...Aracnus likes this.
Sergio Durigan Junior, Sergio Durigan Junior shared this.
LOL! ♻ @jwildeboer: stuck in the toilet for 3 days as the door has a "slide to unlock" thingy. And as I do not want to get sued by Apple ...Alvar Maciel at 2012-03-07T12:46:29+00:00
“Incredible Wine Uncorking Contraption”: http://bit.ly/ws7nFR // Así se destapa una botellaAracnus likes this.
Wille Marcel at 2012-03-07T01:35:51+00:00
Como gravar um stream de rádio (tlvz funcione com vídeo tbm) no GNU/Linux? mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile ~/filename url_do_streamAracnus likes this.
Aracele Torres at 2012-02-26T19:11:17+00:00
Vale a pena ver a série inteira: http://ur1.ca/8ea2n La vida según GaleanoAracnus likes this.
Aprendendo Física at 2012-02-01T17:13:34+00:00
Essa é p/ @aracnus: Manifesto biopunk: http://maradydd.livejournal.com/496085.htmlAracnus likes this.
@apf, opa! Já tenho leitura pra meu ônibus pra casa hoje. :-)Opa @aracnus tem uma traduação preliminar aqui: http://pontaopad.me/htyDRVaBtKDokuWiki at 2011-11-08T14:19:11+00:00
DokuWiki has it's own Google+ page now http://ping.fm/rYwUn /agAracnus likes this.
Filipe Saraiva at 2011-11-07T16:31:29+00:00
Foge foge mulher maravilha - http://ur1.ca/5odsuAracnus likes this.
Paulo de Souza Lima at 2011-11-07T13:35:46+00:00
Have your accounts been compromised? Find out. #security #Exploited https://pwnedlist.com via @PwnedListAracnus likes this.
Børge A. Roum at 2011-02-28T13:57:51+00:00
Please help me subtitle and translate the video "If law fails, CIA will assassinate #Assange" http://bit.ly/fhHikf !wikileaksAracnus likes this.
laurelrusswurm shared this.
@forteller, please continues the efforts to subtitle to English and I can translate it to Portuguese. It's a MUST SEE video.Vincent-Xavier JUMEL at 2011-02-23T11:56:35+00:00
!kde !owncloud http://owncloud.org/index.php/Main_Page as a cool alternative to dropbox. Combined with FreeDomBox : awesome ideaAracnus likes this.
PEdroArthur (JEdi) at 2010-08-10T23:19:23+00:00
"Windows é mais fácil que Linux da mesma forma que cagar nas calças é mais fácil que ir no bainheiro" (pt_BR quote of @reality status)Aracnus likes this.
Jenny Horta, Jenny Horta shared this.
Ufa at 2010-07-16T16:58:14+00:00
e-book gratuito sobre #astronomia , "fascínio do universo", disponível no endereço: http://bit.ly/fascinio (PDF) - via @cintiablAracnus likes this.
Samantha Mourão, Samantha Mourão shared this.
Alexsandro Felix at 2010-07-12T14:16:08+00:00
#Dica de segurança: use "ssh login@ -Y" ao invés de -X, este último possui muitos bugs.Aracnus likes this.