This Node.js mailing list thread (which @Richard Fontana pointed me to) inspired me to write up some thoughts on what project leaders should think about when considering a corporate home for their project. I posted it as a blog both on my personal blog and Conservancy's blog (crossposted to maximize distribution).
BTW, I actually tried repeatedly over nearly two days to post to the Node.js mailing list, which is a Google group. I am clearly subscribed to the group with both my Conservancy and email addresses, but posts from either just get silently dropped AFAICT. My SMTP server seems to indicate successful delivery with: Dec 5 13:25:31 SERVER postfix/smtp[12790]: 89480E1700: to=<>,[]:25, delay=0.83, delays=0.3/0.01/0.26/0.26, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1386267931 e8si375198igg.0 - gsmtp)
I get no bounces and no indication that my post is being dropped on the floor. And, you cannot submit a bug report to Google Groups without a Google Account. So, while it looks like you can participate to a Google Group without a Google Account, it seems that might be harder than it looks sometimes.
Richard Fontana, Mike Linksvayer, Dan Scott, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 1 others likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, warp shared this.
I wonder if there are any non-profits who'd be willing to take on the project in that situation.
I posted a followup in the thread on the Node.js mailing list which inspired my original post.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2013-12-07T17:46:20Z
sazius, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2013-12-07T19:15:05Z
Richard Fontana, Bradley M. Kuhn likes this.