Egon Willighagen chemblaics@identi.ca
Assistant professor at Maastricht University, studying biology at an unsupervised but atomic level. Open science is my main hobby resulting in participation in, among many others, Bioclipse, CDK and Wikipathways. ORCID:0000-0001-7542-0286. Posts are personal.
2017-10-15T17:11:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Two conference proceedings: nanopublications and Scholia http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.nl/2017/10/two-conference-proceedings.html
2013-02-23T13:32:41+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
have you tried the new and open source Bioclipse yet? Let me know your review of 2.6.0! http://ur1.ca/cvsym2013-02-22T09:20:27+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
it seems that Holland Open has gone into a dorment state http://ur1.ca/9g27b #s2mstrijps2013-02-20T07:05:14+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
I heard rumors earlier that @elsevier does not guarantee preservation up supplementary info of publications… anyone has detail?2013-02-20T07:01:03+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
dear @google, as international user, I would love language detect! http://ur1.ca/cuql2Glyn Moody shared by Egon Willighagen at 2013-02-05T20:15:08+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
#EU Commission Wants More Copyright Licensing, But Not Creative Commons Or Fair Use - http://bit.ly/VBFyRD truly, they have learnt nothingArne Babenhauserheide likes this.
Egon Willighagen, Egon Willighagen, Rui Seabra, Rui Seabra shared this.
@glynmoody it often seems politicians learn backwards (i.e. they forgot)Glyn Moody shared by Egon Willighagen at 2013-02-05T20:15:08+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
#EU Commission Wants More Copyright Licensing, But Not Creative Commons Or Fair Use - http://bit.ly/VBFyRD truly, they have learnt nothingArne Babenhauserheide likes this.
Egon Willighagen, Egon Willighagen, Rui Seabra, Rui Seabra shared this.
@glynmoody it often seems politicians learn backwards (i.e. they forgot)2013-01-15T12:55:31+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
hi lazyweb! We got an interesting PhD project open for application! http://ur1.ca/cj4t9 #snp #genetics #pathways #bioinformatics2013-01-11T12:28:13+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
explains when to use which DC namespace in RDF: http://ur1.ca/chrov2013-01-11T09:38:24+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
interested in Bioclipse and on G+? Follow our G+ page: http://ur1.ca/chqb22013-01-11T09:22:28+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
wondering what boosted the interest in my (old) post on extracting InChIs from WikiPedia… http://ur1.ca/chq7n2013-01-08T11:16:50+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
dear #google please provide us with a good G+ API so that we may see integration with @altmetric, just like blogs http://ur1.ca/cfyfm2013-01-08T13:44:15+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
dear (wider) @Open_PHACTS community … what would be a nice ontology for :deprecatedBy ? (cc @andrawaag)Diaspora shared by Egon Willighagen at 2012-11-16T08:09:43+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
For users on joindiaspora.com, sit tight! We're updating the SSL certificate for the pod. #diasporaEgon Willighagen, Egon Willighagen, Luis Ángel Pérez, Luis Ángel Pérez and 6 others shared this.
@joindiaspora ah, I was already wondering… then again, it got me looking into setting it up on my own Debian laptop…Diaspora shared by Egon Willighagen at 2012-11-16T08:09:43+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
For users on joindiaspora.com, sit tight! We're updating the SSL certificate for the pod. #diasporaEgon Willighagen, Egon Willighagen, Luis Ángel Pérez, Luis Ángel Pérez and 6 others shared this.
@joindiaspora ah, I was already wondering… then again, it got me looking into setting it up on my own Debian laptop…2012-08-23T09:17:34+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
#thxdebian for 13 years of being more productive!2012-08-07T09:42:24+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
if you would like tweeter handles in addition to email in your publication, please RT this #twitpubinnov2012-07-01T09:43:27+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
updated my ResearcherID profile: http://ur1.ca/xk352012-06-07T13:10:11+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
microsoft is going for a larger piece of the linux cake: http://ur1.ca/9gk0x2012-03-27T14:32:52+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
I installed NetBeans and hope to figure out how to set up a CDK development environment…