chr chr@identi.ca
All things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5.
Markus Banfi paidhi@identi.ca
Vienna, Austria
A geek. Current interests: Programming, Virtualization, Cloud, MacOS.
Richard McGraw rimcaw@identi.ca
Jonas Jared Jacek jabz@identi.ca
Morston, United Kingdom
Internet marketer, web designer and web developer with lots of enthusiasm for everything Linux, free software and science.
Gavin Carr gavincarr@identi.ca
Sydney, Australia
Citizen hacker, free software advocate, linux systems guy, web monkey.
Ernesto Celis celisdelafuente@identi.ca
Tamaulipas, Mexico
Software developer, free software and unix like systems advocate, he is only passing through