chr chr@identi.ca
All things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5.
Chalkahlom at 2012-11-16T08:39:28+00:00
chr, Your Mother, captain, mcnalu and 1 others likes this.
@chalkahlom ooh, must listenifyhowtoTeX.com at 2012-06-24T19:39:01+00:00
New !LaTeX post: Reset footnotes counter every page http://p.ost.im/p/ecsG3dchr likes this.
cypherpunk at 2012-04-11T19:45:39+00:00
!gpg4usb 0.3.2 released! Encrypt and decrypt messages and files wherever you want: http://gpg4usb.cpunk.de/ !linux #gpg !privacy #portablealphazo, Coyo Stormbringer, chr likes this.
lupyxe at 2012-03-12T18:34:47+00:00
recently, my philosophy is: "stop talking, start acting"صهيب, صهيب, kenami / Martín Ponce, kenami / Martín Ponce shared this.
vando at 2012-02-21T22:43:17+00:00
chr likes this.
vando at 2012-02-14T20:48:30+00:00
Accessing IMAP email accounts using telnet http://ur1.ca/35i0i !clichr likes this.
vando at 2012-02-10T18:42:50+00:00
Mutt and Gmail with offline mail http://ur1.ca/83hzwchr likes this.
vando at 2012-02-09T01:35:05+00:00
Machine Learning for Hackers table of contents http://ur1.ca/82alnchr likes this.
Aaron Toponce at 2012-01-07T22:31:19+00:00
ghostdancer, chr, Yury Sakarinen, Rain and 2 others likes this.
cypherpunk, cypherpunk, chr, chr shared this.
vando at 2012-01-01T23:14:28+00:00
SSH Multiplexer: parallel-ssh http://ur1.ca/75np1 !clichr likes this.
Vincent-Xavier JUMEL, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL shared this.
vando at 2011-12-26T15:26:29+00:00
FastReader: !cli feed reader http://ur1.ca/6zhdjchr likes this.
Vincent-Xavier JUMEL, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL shared this.
Sean Hammond at 2011-12-26T14:49:30+00:00
Convert wav files to mp3 using lame and a simple #zsh for-loop: for f in foo/bar/**/*.wav; lame $fchr likes this.
zital at 2011-12-17T14:46:51+00:00
Curso de !node Websockets y !html5 de #mejorandola http://is.gd/8cMIiy via @thesequencer !js !javascript !webdevchr likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag at 2011-10-29T04:57:02+00:00
@support Is there an URL flag to thread conversations? My friends who aren't on identica are having real trouble reading links I send them!chr likes this.
@solstag yes, but only works if you're logged in ... added http://status.net/open-source/issues/3499Mike Linksvayer at 2011-10-29T07:01:23+00:00
Al-Scandar Solstag likes this.
Jonas Jared Jacek at 2011-09-06T18:19:18+00:00
New cheat sheet: http://rield.com/cheat-sheets/iso-3166-country-codes #cheatsheet !webdev !webdevelopment !semweb !semanticweb !SEO !ISOchr likes this.
@jabz Out of date... no South Sudan (ISO 3166 code SS)