Colombia Conectada colconectada@identi.ca
Encuentre información sobre trámites, formatos, universidades y artículos de ayuda en general de Colombia. www.colconectada.com
Bruce Byfield nanday@identi.ca
Vancouver, Canada
I'm a freelance journalist who covers free software. I also read almost anything, exercise heavily, and study Northwest Coast Art.
Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet@identi.ca
Bernau bei Berlin, Germany
Hi! I am Jos Poortvliet, community manager at ownCloud. Check my blog if you want to know more.
Jose Amador trixur@identi.ca
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Usuario de Software Libre desde septiembre del 2009, integrante del grupo musical kijab balam y estudiante de ingeniería en informática y sistemas
Mr. Psy d(-_-)b psycotwitt@identi.ca
Identi.ca esta aburrido y vine con la corneta y los globos a levantarle el animo. Odio a los nerds, y aca esta lleno, #matenme
New Linux Counter Project newlinuxcounter@identi.ca
Kaufbeuren, Germany
The New Linux Counter Project will replace the good, old Linux Counter Project on counter.li.org soon.
GNU MediaGoblin mediagoblin@identi.ca
Making the world a better place through free software, decentralized, autonomous media hosting.
NumberedHumanIndustries nhi@identi.ca
Richmond, United States
NumberedHumanIndustries is a company built to help sustain the Free, Libre, and Open Source users community In Richmond, IN and abroad.
O'Reilly Open Source Convention oscon@identi.ca
Portland, United States
O'Reilly Open Source Convention, the crossroads of all things open source.
W3C Escritório Brasil w3cbrasil@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
Escritório brasileiro do consórcio WWW - W3C Brasil
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica