Pumpiverse community update
We just had a mini-meeting in #pump.io on irc.freenode.net... here is a quick update. @Evan Prodromou kindly joined us, and quite a few other community members, and everyone seems interested in making Pump.IO more of a community project. Here are roughly the future steps from this meeting:
- Find a community-stewardship home for pump.io. We will apply to become a Conservancy member project (@Bradley M. Kuhn is interested in Pump becoming a member project, but he is not the only one involved in that decision), though other places may also be explored (but Conservancy is currently target #1)
- We will be expanding the number of people committing to and contributing to the project. To start with, Evan has extended commit and admin rights to @jpope and myself. We will also be looking to make this more of a community structure; @Laura Arjona and I are volunteering to help with this transition. Laura also started this community document!
- E14N is looking for new homes for E14N hosted nodes on the pumpiverse. Are you interested, and a responsible person with strong interest in the health and future of the pumpiverse? We could use your help!
- We will probably need to raise funds for some of the hosting costs. How that will be done is yet to be determined.
- Since @Evan Prodromou, @Tsyesika and I are all working on the ActivityPump spec, of course we want Pump.IO to begin adoption of this standard, and will be looking towards that over the next few months. We'd like to also see GNU Social and Pump.IO talking together; ideally this would happen via both of them adopting the new standard, but probably Pump.IO needs to lead the way here and product a reference implementation to test against.
I'm looking forward to a more community-driven future of Pump.IO. Long live the pumpiverse!
Stephen Judge, jasonriedy@fmrl.me, Sajith Sasidharan, hubu tm and 42 others likes this.
victorhck, Fabián Bonetti, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 36 others shared this.

Maybe! I kind of consider this mostly about the pumpio transition, though maybe it makes sense? What do you think, @Laura Arjona

I think we need a section with the people involved in the non-core code/services. I'll try to add/reorganize tomorrow; feel free to be faster than me, or just add yourself and later I'll reorganize.
Thanks for caring!
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-09-23T20:47:33Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

>> jrobb:
“What's involved in adopting the E14N nodes? If the cost isn't something crazy, I can probably adopt one. in order of preference: microca.st (bencook, already claimed), fmrl.me, pumpbuddy.us.
I see urmf.net in the list -- what is that one? I don't think I have seen it before.”
urmf.net ('you are my friend') was a pump.io node from the beginning, like microca.st

>> Laura Arjona:
“urmf.net ('you are my friend') was a pump.io node from the beginning, like microca.st”
Actually, it's more than that! It has the honor, along with identi.ca, of being a StatusNet-server-migrated-to-Pump ;)
It was migrated before identi.ca, in fact! And it's been in the "tryit" list ever since.
JanKusanagi at 2015-09-26T00:33:32Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Evan Prodromou likes this.