the original tmnt, aether, Aleksej, Matt Molyneaux and 1 others likes this.
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MediaGoblin is a Web Original Series, as seen broadcast on the InterNetwork.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-11-14T17:06:01Z
Matt Molyneaux likes this.
Have you ever heard of Christopher Valentine? Ok, he claims to be a medium who can talk to nature people (gnomes, elves, etc.), but if you're a fan of whimsy you might find his book a fun read. I don't remember anything about goblins specifically, but it's still fun.
GMG is actually an elaborately postmodern webcomic about a fictional open source project and its robust and dynamic community.
Aeva Ntsc at 2013-11-14T20:28:05Z
McScx, Stephen Compall, Evan Prodromou, ChicagoLUG and 3 others likes this.
It is so elaborate that an actual FLOSS project was created around it for greater verisimilitude :-)
sazius old account at 2013-11-14T20:37:28Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.