All this was thrown away on just to get a single visible thing in return (probably more stuff under the hood but that's not something a user interacts with) - html, the nasty formatting, embedding, etc... I can't even simply paste a paragraph from a website to send it here, as it carries colors, font styles, even a background! It's so frustrating.
I felt so happy using today that I can't put it into words - I found how much I was missing the simple, yet perfect (for me) microblog format. The sad thing in all this is that the awesome community that was on before, has nearly completely dissapeared in both places. Some people here, some people there and a pretty large group that went to proprietary networks.
That's why I'm going back to *I'm not leaving though*, I'll still post here too when I'll have anything interesting to say, but it's going to be my secondary social network. Sorry, I think I waited long enough for to get back on track where was at the moment of the change. It's not there today and I don't anticipate it in the forseeable future.
Sorry Evan, JanKusanagi and everyone else who put hard work into making and tools around it - it's just not ready to use yet. It dropped/replaced too many features, that haven't been brought back. I hope that one day will be more awesome than, but it's not today.
I feel bad for saying all this, but that's how I feel now.
Dennis Andrew Gutowski Jr, ostfriesenmärz, a(n) person, Carlos Solís and 2 others likes this.
ostfriesenmärz, McScx shared this.
Welll, as I said, being the first users of something while it's being built isn't for everyone. There is an amazing potential, but it still needs to be realized, and the work isn't going to be done just by wishing. Someone has to do it, and has waaay more parts and components than most users realize.
Just check again in a few months =)
ostfriesenmärz at 2014-01-24T08:09:58Z
Charles Roth likes this.
Cyber Killer at 2014-01-24T09:23:15Z
McScx likes this.
Dennis Andrew Gutowski Jr at 2014-05-22T14:53:33Z
McScx likes this.