Incidentally, the outage was verified most easily not by checking with our power provider's online "outages" map, which is slow and painful and inaccurate, but by my Chevy Volt texting me to say "charging has been interrupted." I love that car.
2014-06-26T05:01:26Z via Puma To: Public
Well… I will be listening to THIS…
2014-06-22T16:37:16Z via Puma To: Public
So the problem with my home server was not my server. This is the benefit of a friend with a key who can check the physical household. The problem is the Time Warner cable. It is not working at our house. I suspect that repairmen working on our house fixing hail damage physically disabled or disconnected the cable from the external input, probably by accident. We won't be able to restore internet access at the house until we return home.
2014-06-22T15:01:18Z via Impeller To: JanKusanagi, Public, Stephen Sekula CC: Followers
... And by "genetic" I meant "generic".
Ok, since Impeller posted this comment as a note, and therefore I see it in my timeline as a regular note, I'll reply here.
I don't know of any manuals for watchdog timers, but it mainly consists of a chip in the motherboard that the OS, or a specific program needs to "ping" from time to time. If the watchdog chip doesn't get a "ping" in the expected amount of time, it powercycles the machine.
I've worked with industrial-grade computers that had those, years ago. In that area they were common. I don't know how desktop computers are in that area nowadays. My guess is that it's still not very common, but maybe if the hardware was designed to be a server, it could have such a chip.
AFAIK, that's what it's called, a watchdog, or watchdog timer.
2014-06-21T13:12:34Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
2014-06-21T02:29:29Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
2014-06-21T02:26:20Z via Web CC: Public
2014-06-20T22:18:33Z via Puma To: Public
Temporarily had to switch to my account. Pumpbuddy seems hosed and my home server is offline.
2013-07-07T08:36:29+00:00 in Dallas, United States via WP-status-net To: Public