Robin Sheat eythian@identi.ca
Wellington, New Zealand
Free software fan, programmer, (former) AI masters student, industrial and metal music appreciator. Now working at catalyst.net.nz
Equifoss Pub Crawl equifosspubcrawl@identi.ca
Wellington, New Zealand
The official Equinox FOSS Pub Crawl
Olly Betts olly@identi.ca
Wellington, New Zealand
British but now living in NZ. Free Software Developer. Debian Developer.
Simon Phipps webmink@identi.ca
Southampton, United Kingdom
Software freedom and digital rights activist, photographer, writer, speaker, consultant, floor wax. Find me via https://webm.ink
Danyl Strype strypey@identi.ca
Ōtepoti (Dunedin)
I have been a founder and contributer to a range of new media projects, including Aotearoa.Indymedia.org and CreativeCommons AotearoaNZ. More about me: https://www.coactivate.org/projects/disintermedia/danyl-strype
Nicole C. Engard nengard@identi.ca
I am a librarian, teacher, blogger, writer and open source evangelist.
Lars Wirzenius liw@identi.ca
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
Ryan Finnie fo0bar@identi.ca
Reno, United States
Hey, remember that one meme with the annoying part! Yeah!
François Marier fmarier@identi.ca
Vancouver, BC
Free software developer. Moved to https://fosstodon.org/@fmarier
linux.conf.au 2014 linuxconfau@identi.ca
Canberra, Australia
6-10th January 2014 LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software!
Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca
Porirua, New Zealand
Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek