
WTF!! in some ways systemd is NOT progress

Freemor at

So needed to do a cronjob on my Parabola system..

crontab -e

crontab doesnt exist.. <sigh> ok there's probably a systemd way of doing it.. I should learn

manually create 2 file in ~/.config/systemd/user

Both files are overly verbose and Complicated

And from what I understand I need to do this for EVERY job?!? I cant just add a new * * * * 8 /script/goes/here line

at this point I'm like "Oh FFS I'll just install cron"

Please somebody tell me I'm wrong and that they haven't gone from a single line per job to two verbose files per job...


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Not that I've tried personally, but AFAIK, there's nothing preventing you from actually using cron, as usual. Just like you can still use syslog(ng) and ignore systemd's journald.

JanKusanagi at 2016-08-04T21:57:10Z

The ONLY reasons to use systemd timers rather than cron are:

  1. When you can accomplish something with them that you could not accomplish with cron. There are several such things. Being able to accomplish them is a good thing.
  2. If you want to eliminate cron entirely from your system for whatever reason. One reason might be that the blasted thing wakes up every second to check its jobs and then goes back to sleep, which is not the most power efficient behavior. I suspect but have not verified that systemd is rather more intelligent about waiting for timers to fire. (It wouldn't be too hard to fix cron to sleep long either.. too much horrible crufty C code for me to do it tho.)

joeyh at 2016-08-04T23:51:57Z

Installalled cronie

I'll ponder migrating away from systemd a while longer. Like I said, I am trying to give it a chance. But I seriously miss the straight forwardness and flexibility of older init systems.

Freemor at 2016-08-05T00:00:38Z

Well, it's not like cron was a component of sysvinit. And since it's just a service you can run, you can run it with any other init system =)

JanKusanagi at 2016-08-05T00:11:40Z