testbeta,, jrobertson likes this.
It would have been nice if they had seen how effective LibreJs is. Tho I've been to the point of blocking all JS and other HTML5 feathures for a while now thanks to things like Xombrero, Privacy browser (android), Links (love my text only browsing), etc and those are usually funneled through Privoxy for further protections.
“One of our more surprising findings was the discovery of two apparent attempts to use the HTML5 Audio API for fingerprinting.”
The findings suggest that “the number of third parties that a regular user will encounter on a daily basis is relatively small.”
“The effect is accentuated when we consider that different third parties may be owned by the same entity. All of the top 5 third parties, as well as 12 of the top 20, are Google-owned domains. In fact, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are the only third-party entities present on more than 10% of sites. ”
testbeta at 2016-05-25T08:02:21Z
Krugor likes this.