Gerard Braad gbraad@identi.ca
Remote (global), Beijing (北京), Amsterdam
[ Doing Open Source Matters | Director of Engineering @UnitedStack | former #ThoughtWorker | #FOSS & IT Consultant | #FullStack #DevOps #Mobile #Web ]
Evan Prodromou at 2014-03-07T04:20:24Z
You know what you should do if you suspect someone started Bitcoin? Leave them the fuck alone. Jesus.jrobb, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Stephen Sekula, Patrick Haverkamp and 3 others likes this.
X11R5 shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-02-02T17:27:51+00:00
So, should we go get drinks after this? Maybe at http://www.alamortsubite.com/ ? #fosdem #statuscheck #imissrejonGerard Braad likes this.
@evan you are right about the #imiss @rejonGerard Braad at 2013-02-02T17:41:10+00:00
Greg Grossmeier, Evan Prodromou likes this.
@evan Sounds good! Either "A la Mort Subite" or "Au Bon Vieux Temps"...Raphael Kallensee at 2013-02-02T17:58:46+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2012-02-11T16:04:18+00:00
Cool! http://ur1.ca/845bhGerard Braad likes this.
@jwildeboer but what about the poor copyright holders?X11R5 at 2011-12-11T16:20:04+00:00
Heey.. Follow me.. Thanks. Good daysGerard Braad, Alex, Sander likes this.
Tekk Has Moved, Tekk Has Moved, Sander, Sander shared this.
null at 2011-12-07T16:08:09+00:00
This software is useless. Absolutely useless. One of the worst pieces of software I have ever used.Gerard Braad likes this.
Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad shared this.
Tommy He at 2011-10-13T03:40:39+00:00
Three members from Creative Commons China will join the !Fedora #FAD 2011 #Beijing. http://ur1.ca/5e4d2Gerard Braad likes this.
Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay shared this.
X11R5 at 2011-10-11T05:20:07+00:00
Hmm - my detox plan is very welcomefrankenspock, Gerard Braad likes this.
Harish Pillay at 2011-10-06T15:00:02+00:00
Why would people put flowers etc at a store? Go invent. Go change the world. Be entrepreneurial. Dream and make it happen.Gerard Braad likes this.
Tommy He, Tommy He, Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad shared this.
Harish Pillay at 2011-10-06T13:56:42+00:00
If you have not watched "Pirates of the Valley", do watch it. http://ur1.ca/5bfwz Puts things in perspective.Gerard Braad likes this.
Tommy He, Tommy He, Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad shared this.
warning: it's a pirate movie! ♻ @harishpillay: If you have not watched "Pirates of the Valley", do watch it.Jan Wildeboer at 2011-10-04T13:58:05+00:00
I am so proud that we added Gluster to Red Hat. More Open. More freedom. We care.Gerard Braad likes this.
Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad shared this.
X11R5 at 2011-09-26T06:58:12+00:00
@psquid knows all!Gerard Braad, null, Bruce Cowan, joshix and 2 others likes this.
Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad, null, a(n) person and 3 others shared this.
@x11r5 LIES!@x11r5 I like the way you think.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-09-26T07:03:10+00:00
Ed Morgan at 2011-10-02T14:59:29+00:00
@reality with enough drugs you can believe you're a rock star having sex with the world.Gerard Braad, null likes this.
@mo6020 Fuck yeah.Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-10-02T02:35:14+00:00
Every time I eat a sucker I end up chewing on the stick until it becomes this slimy, disgusting snake of paper #morethanyouwantedtoknowGerard Braad likes this.
@cwebber the paper is organic therefore its healthy. Eat itChristopher Allan Webber at 2011-10-02T14:20:50+00:00
@marjoleink I think problem is that in attempting to stop spam from ruining identi.ca, you've spammily made identi.ca unfun #whatatwistGerard Braad likes this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2011-09-28T06:37:16+00:00
Done that yesterday in the sauna :-)Gerard Braad likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-22T11:26:31+00:00
I want to make a deal. I will stop the other things I need to do today and make stream mode optional, AND make tree mode on convos work.Gerard Braad likes this.
null at 2011-09-21T01:27:21+00:00
It makes my butt itch.Gerard Braad likes this.
Gerard Braad, Gerard Braad shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-19T23:00:48+00:00
I don't know if "microblogging" is a meaningful term. I like "stream-oriented social network."Gerard Braad likes this.
@evan I use !identica because I want !microblogging. If I want more complicated !socialnetworking, I'd use !diaspora.null at 2011-09-17T00:17:51+00:00
HARDER. BETTER. FASTER. STRONGER. #fuckyeahGerard Braad likes this.
Michele Azzolari at 2011-09-05T07:14:34+00:00
At office! 1 minute and 30 seconds by foot from my home..Gerard Braad likes this.