Gijs Hillenius gijs@identi.ca
Journalist focusing on sustainability of government IT, vendor-independence & use of free and open source software by public administrations
Karsten Gerloff at 2013-06-26T14:26:46+00:00
Just asked the European Parliament for summary of how EP's crypto resolutions from 2001 were implemented http://ur1.ca/eg52h via @asktheeuGijs Hillenius likes this.
gheorghe, Rui Seabra, Free Software Foundation Europe, Free Software Foundation Europe shared this.
Sergio Durigan Junior at 2013-05-24T20:29:39+00:00
@gabrielsaldana OTOH, we've been thinking about porting #identica-mode to tent. I didn't like the way pump.io works/looks.Gijs Hillenius likes this.
Erkan Yılmaz, Erkan Yılmaz shared this.
tryggvib at 2012-04-30T23:52:54+00:00
!statusnet was chosen to be the collaboration and communication platform the for free software migration in Iceland - #freeicelandMarcio B. Jr., Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Gijs Hillenius, Gerard Ryan and 7 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Matthias Kirschner, Matthias Kirschner and 13 others shared this.
Well... the #statusnet group is !sn so let's send this notice there :)tryggvib at 2012-04-30T23:58:32+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Really? I didn't know that. Do you have some more info? I'd love to help out further.Evan Prodromou at 2012-05-01T02:02:15+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Jason F. McBrayer at 2012-11-08T16:10:34+00:00
!Emacs is Superman: http://ur1.ca/aui9e (strange visitor from another world!)Jérôme Pasquier, Gijs Hillenius likes this.
Debian Project at 2011-02-06T01:03:41+00:00
!debian A big round of applause to Debian's WWW team who pulled this of! This is amazing work!Gijs Hillenius likes this.
Iñaki Arenaza, Iñaki Arenaza, Celso González, Celso González shared this.