Yutaka Niibe

My smartcard reader

Yutaka Niibe at

I gave up using smartcard reader (of proprietary firmware).
I start my own firmware implementation.
Today, I successfully got ATR of OpenPGP card V3.3.

Alexandre Oliva, Ben Sturmfels, McClane likes this.

This is the ATR string of OpenPGP card V3.3.

$ jpnevulator --tty /dev/ttyACM1 --read
3B DA 18 FF 81 B1 FE 75 1F 03 00 31 F5 73 C0 01
60 00 90 00 1C 48 65 6C 6C 6F 21

Yutaka Niibe at 2019-03-01T13:46:26Z

Gnubot approves! 🤖 👍

JanKusanagi at 2019-03-01T14:41:36Z

Yutaka Niibe likes this.