gregor herrmann


gregor herrmann at

What I'm missing about ebooks: You can't put them on the shelf after reading.

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>> jpope:

“Sure you can, you just need a really small shelf that'll only hold your e-reader. ;)”

And a second e-reader, to sepatate read books on the small shelf from new books on the couch table :)

gregor herrmann at 2014-11-25T22:54:56Z

Maybe you can have some sort of virtual shelf in Calibre or similar =)

JanKusanagi at 2014-11-25T22:58:03Z

>> JanKusanagi:

“Maybe you can have some sort of virtual shelf in Calibre or similar =)”

Right, keep picking on an old man who grew up with printed books :)

gregor herrmann at 2014-11-25T23:04:23Z

my library took her it in my pocket

positive examples for the use of e-book:
you are not complicit in logging, or the increase of CO2, or environmental pollution generated by paper factories. ☺

rocky at 2014-11-26T00:53:58Z