2013-06-11T20:42:41+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium via web To: Public
It feels like nothing changed here... #pump.ioRichard Fontana shared this.
That's not entirely fair. @evan is sipping a PinaColada in Vermont right now, watching the import chug away :-)Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-06-13T14:19:29+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Richard Fontana likes this.
2013-05-31T08:51:21+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Ready for the pump.io migration, curious2013-05-14T06:33:19+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
2013-04-08T08:27:39+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
What !linux desktop search app is still alive and useful? I used tracker and beage before but most seem unmaintained.2013-03-06T09:06:33+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Any recommendations for a !php REST library? Currently loking at apify and tonic. Thanks.2013-01-11T13:53:23+00:00 in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
How can I remotely control the display of an !android PC (from linux)?2013-01-10T09:50:10+00:00 in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
2013-01-09T10:26:21+00:00 in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
Anyone know if !samba 4 has a gui to manage the directory on !linux?Rhianne Boyle, Rhianne Boyle shared this.
2013-01-03T10:47:12+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Why does #thunderbird need over 1 GB of RAM to read mail? sigh.2012-12-28T14:19:28+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Working hard on another Linux Identity article, this time about #elementary #Linux!2012-12-22T10:00:28+00:00 in Beustereinde, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
I've used #Pitivi a few years back. http://www.pitivi.org/You could use #OpenShot. It's a nice video editor that can also deal with stills, add transitions etc.2012-12-21T11:54:37+00:00 in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
A better way to monitor diskspace with #Zabbix http://bit.ly/Va57vO2012-12-20T13:06:04+00:00 in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
2012-12-13T10:51:42+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
Popa Adrian Marius likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, José María Serralde, José María Serralde shared this.
Canonical is pushing Ubuntu towards full commercialization (shopping lens isn't enough ?) which is against the spirit of Open Source.@arnebab A slight degree of comm..zation isn't a problem, but I am afraid the shopping lens won't be the last business move of Canonical.If you care about the good old ubuntu use !debian http://ur1.ca/c1108Popa Adrian Marius at 2012-12-13T18:59:53+00:00
tornow likes this.
2012-12-13T10:24:13+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: a(n) person, Public
Looking for a new !linux distro to try given that #ubuntu will include might spyware next release. Any suggestions (Gnome 3 based)?Show all 5 replies2012-12-02T18:56:02+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Setting up #vtiger http://ur1.ca/bqdgg with #postgres http://ur1.ca/bqdgh database is a big failure, #mysql... http://ur1.ca/bqdgn2012-11-30T16:35:35+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
loving #android http://ur1.ca/altsb 4.2, nice!2012-11-27T11:19:24+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
♲ jwildeboer http://ur1.ca/bhrqz Warning! Piwik 1.9.2 contains a backdoor! if /piwik/core/Loader.php contains... http://ur1.ca/bhrr22012-11-14T10:36:32+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Fun: Skype vulnerability allowing hijacking of any account if you know just the email address. Skype... http://ur1.ca/awpop2012-10-04T07:07:28+00:00 in Geel, Flanders, Belgium To: Public
Morning traffic in #antwerp.. http://ur1.ca/ah4gg Stuck 500m from my destination... http://ur1.ca/ah4gh