2012-06-03T20:45:08+00:00 in San Diego, California, United States To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism Reclamation & Resistance: Audiovisual Tools in Bolivia http://youtu.be/TOuY7W2GcU42011-11-05T21:33:58+00:00 in San Diego, California, United States To: Anarchism, Public
a(n) person likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Filipe Saraiva, Filipe Saraiva shared this.
@idlerevolutionary Ever since I started college I have used nothing but a credit union. Definitely the way to go under our current system2011-10-14T03:59:16+00:00 in San Diego, California, United States To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism #occupysd is being evicted! Preparing streaming equip and interfacing at the second camp. Join #occupysd on irc.freenode.net!2011-10-11T06:41:41+00:00 in San Diego, California, United States To: Public
#occupyboston has been ejected. Please look up BPD, Boston mayor, and Mass Gvnr and *call* with your disapproval!2011-10-09T18:46:43+00:00 in San Diego, California, United States To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism #OccupySD is in full swing. Livestream is up at http://ur1.ca/5chn3 . HTML5 live broadcast gets off the ground tonight!2011-10-07T19:59:47+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism #OccupySD begins today in San Diego! Join us on irc.freenode.net, channel #occupysd , to participate in planning and discussion!2011-10-07T18:41:00+00:00 To: Public
"New York City Cops, New York City Cops... They ain't too smart." -- The Strokes #occupywallstreet2011-10-02T20:49:56+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
2011-10-02T20:48:49+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
2011-10-02T20:32:49+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
2011-10-02T20:32:09+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
2011-10-02T18:23:06+00:00 To: Public
#occupyLA will be meeting at noon to discuss the Occupy Metro silent march today at 3:00 pm.2011-10-02T17:07:15+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism #occupywallst Anyone interested in a HTML5 Live Broadcast of #occupyLA please @ reply me. http://ur1.ca/59yg52011-10-02T16:50:08+00:00 To: Anarchism, Public
!anarchism #occupywallst Broadcasting live from #OccupyLA in 15 mins w/ HTML5! FLOSS get revolutionary at http://ur1.ca/59yg5shared by Idle Revolutionary at 2011-09-27T20:39:53+00:00 via web To: Public
Finally, my work has paid off! New !FSF membership benefit: Credit Union eligibility! (US-only for now) http://redd.it/ktbfk !GNUIdle Revolutionary, John Sullivan, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
This is a rather unique benefit - and one I'll have to suggest to my friends on the fence about joining !FSFTAKE ACTION: Close your bank accounts and join a credit union! http://ur1.ca/5aq93 !OccupyWallSta(n) person likes this.
Banks only provide a disturbing illusion of choice. http://ur1.ca/5b8ga !OccupyWallSt