- !OccupyWallStreet must stop relying on centralized services like Facebook & Twitter! !activism !anarchism !socialism !communism !capitalism
Idle Revolutionary, old, Ecotribe, sofias. pink and 1 others likes this.
Show all 5 repliesYes, but Facebook and Twitter are centralized and can be easily censored. !StatusNet and !Identica are not. !OccupyWallSta(n) person likes this.
It's not about monitoring, but about distribution, @zoowar. To avoid monitoring, use encryption =8)Hey !OccupyWallStreet if you are reading this on Twitter, get on !StatusNet and !Identica to avoid this type of censorship: http://nd.gd/xfEcotribe, Luka Marčetić, dper@identi.ca, a(n) person likes this.
seems compelling + I get same results using site directly. "trendsmap.com"=728k ghits + few yrs history @ wayback machine !OccupyWallStreet - Finally, my work has paid off! New !FSF membership benefit: Credit Union eligibility! (US-only for now) http://redd.it/ktbfk !GNU
Idle Revolutionary, John Sullivan, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
This is a rather unique benefit - and one I'll have to suggest to my friends on the fence about joining !FSFTAKE ACTION: Close your bank accounts and join a credit union! http://ur1.ca/5aq93 !OccupyWallSta(n) person likes this.
Banks only provide a disturbing illusion of choice. http://ur1.ca/5b8ga !OccupyWallSt - An innocent man is scheduled to be murdered by the state in an hour. I am Troy Davis. The world is watching.
donald robertson III, Idle Revolutionary, a(n) person likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
- So with xxx TLDs, I could have xXx.straightXxXedge.xXx? !ICANN may get more scenesters than porn on .xxx (I'm excited for the combo) !sex
Idle Revolutionary likes this.
- 7 necessary ingredients for freedom in the cloud by @greve of !FSFE http://redd.it/jdwrp !FranklinStreet !lp !sfc !gnu
RiveraValdez, Dolores Portalatin, Idle Revolutionary, donald robertson III and 1 others likes this.
Pamela Petterson, Pamela Petterson, RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez and 10 others shared this.
♻ @dpic: 7 necessary ingredients for freedom in the cloud by @greve of #FSFE http://redd.it/jdwrp // Please read and apply it - @novacut @jgderose I just said I'd support you in 3 sensible kickstarter projects, and you tell me I made your wife cry? http://ur1.ca/4smmz
Idle Revolutionary, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
mrs. stench at 2011-06-08T00:11:53+00:00
!vegan !vegetarian "EARTHLINGS - Make the Connection. | Nation Earth" from http://www.earthlings.com/Idle Revolutionary likes this.
Aaron Toponce at 2011-04-12T01:22:35+00:00
homosexuality is found in over 450 species. homophobia is only found in one. which one seems unnatural now? !qValorie Cowan Zimmerman, Graham Perrin, Ieva, José María Serralde and 17 others likes this.
Lucas Lira Gomes, Lucas Lira Gomes, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman and 80 others shared this.
@eightyeight Touche!homosexuality is found in over 450 species. homophobia is only found in one. which one seems unnatural now? RD @eightyeight@eightyeight nice one ;)@eightyeight definitions are broad.Technically you're right,but afaik only one species has a soul&is capable of rational thought.!CatholicOpenHatch at 2011-04-05T15:43:32+00:00
Desktop project contributors, looking for more help? Apply for Build It week, and grow your community! http://redd.it/gj5gdIdle Revolutionary, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer, Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary and 4 others shared this.
- "I have a bright professional future ahead of me [...] Girls like me don’t do porn, right?" http://redd.it/g57y6 !sexpositive !sex !lgbt
Idle Revolutionary likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
- !LibrePlanet 2011 (conference on software freedom) is this weekend -- register now! http://redd.it/g4viu !fsf !gnu !fc
Idle Revolutionary, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
null at 2010-08-10T20:57:32+00:00
"Windows is easier than Linux, in the same way that crapping your pants is easier than going to the bathroom" !neckbeardGerard Ryan, Dvd Mrsdn, Pejman Moghadam, Idle Revolutionary and 14 others likes this.
sofias. pink, sofias. pink, Pejman Moghadam, Pejman Moghadam and 18 others shared this.