Jakub Steiner jimmac@identi.ca
Graphics designer at Novell. Founding father of the Tango project, and senior resident designer for the GIMP project.
Bruno Miguel brunomiguel@identi.ca
Coimbra, Portugal
Free software evangelist; editorial coordinator in a portuguese free software blog; music lover.
gimpusers.com gimpusers@identi.ca
Karl Fischer kmf@identi.ca
Pretoria, South Africa
Happy Believer, Husband & Father, Work at Obsidian Systems, an Open Source Consultancy Firm. Love Open Source, Open Standards & The Open Way. Love talking to people & making friends
José María Serralde joseserralde@identi.ca
Mexico City, Mexico
Concert pianist / cultural promoter / technology consultant. Free technology + Free culture + liberal arts advocate.
Maria Leandro tatadbb@identi.ca
Una chica geek que quiere conquistar el mundo con un kill -9 a todos los seres humanos :D
Murray Cumming murrayc@identi.ca