John Sullivan johnsu01@identi.ca
Impending Doom, United States
This account is deprecated. Please find me at https://microca.st/johns or https://status.fsf.org/johns. This account will soon be deleted.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-12-08T20:05:22+00:00
a(n) person, donald robertson III, Ward Vandewege, John Sullivan and 1 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. and 10 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-12-01T19:48:34+00:00
Amazon's Kindle source code: Much ado about nothing -- good blog post @brettcsmith http://ur1.ca/69y5o !fsf !gnuJohn Sullivan, a(n) person, Oriol Rossich, Ward Vandewege and 6 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, F-Droid, F-Droid and 8 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-12-01T20:05:13+00:00
run, don't step, to store.fsf.org for Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger, 10th Ed. http://ur1.ca/69yb5 !gnu !fsfJohn Sullivan, Marcio B. Jr., Oriol Rossich, Ward Vandewege and 4 others likes this.
Felipe alias ñu, Felipe alias ñu, Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. and 4 others shared this.
"(gdb) run" not "(gdb) step", get it!? When @brettcsmith and I put our heads together, we sure are cunning :-) Ok, I'll (gdb) quitFree Software Foundation at 2011-11-29T20:57:54+00:00
Will sprint for freedom: A report from the NYC CiviCRM coding sprint -- http://ur1.ca/67wng !fsf !gnuJohn Sullivan, Joshua Gay, donald robertson III, Ward Vandewege and 1 others likes this.
omni reso, omni reso, Joshua Gay, Joshua Gay and 4 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-11-02T21:28:07+00:00
Don't forget -- time is running out for nominations for the !FSF free software awards -- http://ur1.ca/5asa1 !gnu !lpAndrew E, a(n) person, donald robertson III, Joshua Gay and 3 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Joshua Gay, Joshua Gay and 6 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-04T17:04:44+00:00
John Sullivan likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-04T23:22:48+00:00
Nominations are open for the 14th annual Free Software Awards -- http://ur1.ca/5asa1 !gnu !linux !fsf !lp !ccJohn Sullivan, Laura, Deb Nicholson, a(n) person and 8 others likes this.
Gavin Baker, Gavin Baker, Josué Ortega, Josué Ortega and 14 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: Nominations are open for the 14th annual Free Software Awards -- http://ur1.ca/5asa1 !fsfla !softwarelivreFree Software Foundation at 2011-10-06T21:50:00+00:00
GNU PDF project leaves high-priority projects list; mission complete -- http://ur1.ca/5bjyu !gnu !fsf !lpVejeta, anban, micuintus, Benedikt Wi and 15 others likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, Louis-Maurice De Sousa, Louis-Maurice De Sousa and 34 others shared this.
♺ @fsf: GNU PDF project leaves high-priority projects list; mission complete -- http://ur1.ca/5bjyu !gnu !fsf !lp♻ @fsf: GNU PDF project leaves high-priority projects list; mission complete -- http://ur1.ca/5bjyu #gnu #fsf #lp♻ @fsf: GNU PDF project leaves high-priority projects list; mission complete -- http://ur1.ca/5bjyu #gnu #fsf #lp@fsf and what about a Free alternative? pdf = nonfree, djvu=freeFree Software Foundation at 2011-09-29T20:48:46+00:00
New !fsf directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1m !gnu !lpAric Gardner, donald robertson III, Joshua Gay, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
Leslie Hawthorn, Leslie Hawthorn, Hugo Roy, Hugo Roy and 6 others shared this.
Thanks to 10 yrs of work by many ppl (both FSF staff & volunteers) who've made #FSF's Free Software Directory happen: http://ur1.ca/58r1lLots of work great from @peabo and many others -- going 10 years back -- as well!wikified! ♻ @fsf: New !FS directory is live... lots of work from @joshuagay -- http://ur1.ca/2gzcw http://ur1.ca/58r1l http://ur1.ca/58r1mMike Linksvayer at 2011-09-28T20:27:07+00:00
Tizen should just pre-announce what other underperforming projects it will merge with and what the new name will be in a few months.rpcutts, John Sullivan, Will Kahn-Greene, Christopher Allan Webber and 2 others likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-27T21:28:29+00:00
28 years old, and still going strong -- thanks to all the !GNU contributors around the world! http://ur1.ca/74bdonald robertson III, John Sullivan, Joshua Gay, Brett Smith likes this.
Gavin Baker, Gavin Baker, Bernhard E. Reiter, Bernhard E. Reiter and 8 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: 28 years old, and still going strong -- thanks to all the #GNU contributors around the world! http://ur1.ca/74b@fsf: Congratulations :)!!Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-27T21:45:35+00:00
We delivered over 1,000 signatures asking #ThisAmericanLife to use Ogg Vorbis! http://ur1.ca/57x37 !fsf !gnu !playogga(n) person, donald robertson III, jidm, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Sebastian Oliva, Sebastian Oliva and 4 others shared this.
- Finally, my work has paid off! New !FSF membership benefit: Credit Union eligibility! (US-only for now) http://redd.it/ktbfk !GNU
Idle Revolutionary, John Sullivan, donald robertson III, a(n) person likes this.
Idle Revolutionary, Idle Revolutionary shared this.
This is a rather unique benefit - and one I'll have to suggest to my friends on the fence about joining !FSFTAKE ACTION: Close your bank accounts and join a credit union! http://ur1.ca/5aq93 !OccupyWallSta(n) person likes this.
Banks only provide a disturbing illusion of choice. http://ur1.ca/5b8ga !OccupyWallSt Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-16T21:12:27+00:00
!FSF speaks against patent and DRM provisions at Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators' meeting http://ur1.ca/53t1a !gnu #tppJohn Sullivan, Brett Smith likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer, Jorge Meneses, Jorge Meneses shared this.
Stefano Maffulli at 2011-09-16T15:47:13+00:00
Better ban Sony Playstation from your home: keep the right to sue them if they don't protect your data http://is.gd/GWzqMoJohn Sullivan likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-09-12T20:27:33+00:00
Using my day off to reorganize my orgmode files.John Sullivan likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-09-12T20:09:36+00:00
Would you like to see more support for WebM, Ogg, Vorbis,Theora and other free codecs? Join the PlayFreedom list! http://ur1.ca/52iw2 !gnuDimi Piraat, piratenpanda, X11R5, Matt Woodward and 7 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat and 16 others shared this.
@mattl thanks :D♻ @mattl: Would you like to see more support for WebM, Ogg, Vorbis,Theora and other free codecs? Join the PlayFreedom list! ur1.ca/52iw2Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-07T17:11:50+00:00
Haven't signed our #ThisAmericanLife petition? Now's the time to get in the first signatures sent: http://ur1.ca/4ygg4 !fsf !playogg !gnuJohn Sullivan likes this.
Kat Walsh, Kat Walsh, Valentin Villenave, Valentin Villenave and 2 others shared this.
♺ @fsf: Haven't signed our #ThisAmericanLife petition? Now's the time to get in the first signatures sent: http://ur1.ca/4ygg4Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-07T15:01:11+00:00
Fall internship positions are still open—apply today! Deadline Sep. 14. http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/2011-fall-internships !fsf !gnuKete Foy, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Dr. Matt Lee, Joshua Gay and 1 others likes this.
Ward Vandewege, Ward Vandewege, Joshua Gay, Joshua Gay and 4 others shared this.
Deb Nicholson at 2011-08-30T21:19:35+00:00
John Sullivan likes this.