Johannes Skartland johskar@identi.ca
Debian Project shared by Johannes Skartland at 2013-05-06T01:15:09+00:00 via web To: Public
!Debian #wheezy - wheezy is out, time to party! remember, never drink and apt-get dist-upgrade http://ur1.ca/dip37 - #releasingwheezyJohannes Skartland, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, gandaro, j1mc and 5 others likes this.
MATTEO BECHINI, MATTEO BECHINI, Yutaka Niibe, Yutaka Niibe and 40 others shared this.
woohoo, time to apt-get install wine ;)Debian Users Gang at 2013-05-05T07:41:39+00:00
Johannes Skartland likes this.
Debian Project shared by Johannes Skartland at 2013-05-06T01:15:09+00:00 via web To: Public
!Debian #wheezy - wheezy is out, time to party! remember, never drink and apt-get dist-upgrade http://ur1.ca/dip37 - #releasingwheezyJohannes Skartland, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, gandaro, j1mc and 5 others likes this.
MATTEO BECHINI, MATTEO BECHINI, Yutaka Niibe, Yutaka Niibe and 40 others shared this.
woohoo, time to apt-get install wine ;)Debian Users Gang at 2013-05-05T07:41:39+00:00
Johannes Skartland likes this.
voted for "Debian GNU/Linux itself ?"
2011-10-09T16:00:05+00:00 via web To: LIzem, Debian, Public
2010-10-29T16:02:39+00:00 in Norway via gwibber To: Debian, CrunchBang Linux 10 "Statler", Public
http://is.gd/gskFB finaly I find something that lets me browse smb/cifs networks in !crunchbang !statler :D !debian !ubuntu !linux2010-06-12T17:15:05+00:00 in Norway via Gwibber To: Public
Annoyed cause Gwibber in Ubuntu 10.4 (lucid) lacks save-button for when adding facebook account.2010-06-11T13:13:27+00:00 in Norway via Gwibber To: Public
Helg? jadda! :D