Jason Self

Jason Self at

Malware in your GPU? All the more reason we need free software everywhere and in every thing: http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/05/gpu-based-rootkit-and-keylogger-offer-superior-stealth-and-computing-power/

Bob Call, Elena ``of Valhalla'', Charles Stanhope, Nathan Smith and 1 others likes this.

Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.

Explain how it is all the more reason like I'm five^wnot already convinced that we need free software everywhere.

Mike Linksvayer at 10 years ago

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.

I'm sure you are convinced already, Mike. :)

Jason Self at 10 years ago

Yeah, but my question was serious. Stories like this ought be used to convince new people, but I don't know how to do so. I can say this is yet another way your computer can be used against you and handwave about ways that free software militates against this, but honestly I wouldn't bet on convincing anyone not already convinced. I'm looking for a pithy way to connect new deep vulnerabilities like this and software freedom, for a general audience not already convinced. "All the more reason" is for the already convinced.

It ought be natural for articles like the one you linked to editorialize that this is why we need software freedom, but in order to do so there has to be something more than an assertion.

Mike Linksvayer at 10 years ago