Bob Call bobcallme@identi.ca
I'm Bob Call. I work on various libre software and free culture works with a focus in the area of embedded software development and breaking things.
2018-03-10T01:03:28Z via AndStatus To: Public
Is anyone else at #SCaLE ?
2018-03-10T00:59:59Z via AndStatus To: Public
I am speaking at LibrePlanet https://www.libreplanet.org/2018/speakers/
Bob Call shared this.
2018-03-06T05:15:50Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2012-07-02T15:24:38+00:00 in Nashua, New Hampshire, United States via web To: GNU's Not Unix, Free Software Foundation, Public
dno likes this.
2011-12-15T18:24:18+00:00 in Town of Tyngsborough, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
2011-12-09T05:12:00+00:00 in Town of Tyngsborough, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
In support of #OccupyBoston http://bobcall.me2011-10-30T04:03:01+00:00 in Germantown, Massachusetts, United States via mustard To: Public
It is f#@!ing snowing: ( #occupyboston2011-10-29T02:58:01+00:00 in Dock Square, Massachusetts, United States via mustard To: Jason Self, Public
@jxself how goes it?My new RAM arrived; I'll install it soon. I find myself swapping sometimes with 2GB. Now I'll have 4GB.Jason Self at 2011-10-29T04:40:44+00:00
Bob Call likes this.
2011-10-29T02:57:01+00:00 in Roxbury, Massachusetts, United States via mustard To: Public
Going to bed in my warm tent : ) #occupyboston2011-10-19T21:15:51+00:00 in Town of Tyngsborough, Massachusetts, United States via mustard To: Public
I will be going back to my wet tent soon !occupybostonFree Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-08-18T21:32:14+00:00 via web To: Public
Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u !fsf !gnu !gpla(n) person, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Marcio B. Jr., Osama Khalid and 4 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Comunidad GNU Linux, Comunidad GNU Linux and 4 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u #fsf #gnu #gplMy colleague @brettcsmith wrote a thoughtful piece about !Android / !Linux distribution under #GPLv2 & why #GPLv3 is better: ur1.ca/4xo8uFree Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-08-18T21:32:14+00:00 via web To: Public
Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u !fsf !gnu !gpla(n) person, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Marcio B. Jr., Osama Khalid and 4 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Comunidad GNU Linux, Comunidad GNU Linux and 4 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3 - http://ur1.ca/4xo8u #fsf #gnu #gplMy colleague @brettcsmith wrote a thoughtful piece about !Android / !Linux distribution under #GPLv2 & why #GPLv3 is better: ur1.ca/4xo8uDefective by Design shared by Bob Call at 2011-08-18T19:41:06+00:00 via web To: Public
@eldsjal, @alisonbonny I'm politely declining the invitation from @Spotify because of #DRM, http://ur1.ca/4xnzf @SpotifyUSA !dbd !gnu !fsfHilton Garcia Fernandes, Dimi Piraat, Ecotribe, Marcio B. Jr. and 7 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat and 19 others shared this.
Defective by Design shared by Bob Call at 2011-08-18T19:41:06+00:00 via web To: Public
@eldsjal, @alisonbonny I'm politely declining the invitation from @Spotify because of #DRM, http://ur1.ca/4xnzf @SpotifyUSA !dbd !gnu !fsfHilton Garcia Fernandes, Dimi Piraat, Ecotribe, Marcio B. Jr. and 7 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat and 19 others shared this.
2011-08-07T00:37:35+00:00 in Town of Tyngsborough, Massachusetts, United States via web To: GNU's Not Unix, Free Software Foundation, Public
Heikki Lappalainen, Timothy Patishnock likes this.
laurelrusswurm shared this.
Free Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-07-26T14:36:02+00:00 via web To: Public
We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts! -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w !gnu !lp !fsfBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 3 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 2 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts# -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w #gnu #lp #fsfFree Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-07-26T14:36:02+00:00 via web To: Public
We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts! -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w !gnu !lp !fsfBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 3 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 2 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: We are excited to bring a much-missed item back to the FSF shop: hooded sweatshirts# -- http://ur1.ca/4qe3w #gnu #lp #fsfFree Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-07-26T14:34:54+00:00 via web To: Public
Interview with @warp -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/interview-with-musicbrainz-developer-kuno-woudt -- !fsf !gnu !lpBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 4 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Ward Vandewege, Ward Vandewege and 2 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation shared by Bob Call at 2011-07-26T14:34:54+00:00 via web To: Public
Interview with @warp -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/interview-with-musicbrainz-developer-kuno-woudt -- !fsf !gnu !lpBob Call, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 4 others likes this.
Bob Call, Bob Call, Ward Vandewege, Ward Vandewege and 2 others shared this.
2011-07-26T14:34:41+00:00 via web To: Public
Dimi Piraat, Bob Call, William Theaker, Brett Smith and 4 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Bob Call, Bob Call and 8 others shared this.