2024-09-28T05:06:26Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-11-23T23:39:54Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Public
Google -> DuckDuckGo, Last.fm -> Libre.fm, Twitter -> Identi.ca2012-12-26T12:11:50+00:00 To: Public
«Communion» http://xkcd.com/1152/2012-12-26T19:07:17+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-26T19:05:49+00:00 To: Public
Me lo estoy pasando pipa con el último de The Evens. (Sí, han vuelto a liarla.) #demayorquieroserianmackaye2012-12-26T18:40:31+00:00 To: Public
No me abraces así. ¿Qué te has creído? ¿Que soy un hospital? ¿O qué?2012-12-26T18:13:55+00:00 To: Public
¿Qué les digo? ¿Que sí o que no? ¿O que vamos viéndolo? ¿Hm? http://ur1.ca/cagbf2012-12-26T16:56:32+00:00 To: Public
Si alguien sabe, es @cien_margaritas: «El kit de la lucha en Internet», ya descargable en @traficantes2010 bit.ly/WQUEIc2012-12-26T14:50:29+00:00 To: Public
Me recuerda @10anne66 que cuando tenía dos años por casa me llamaban «R2D2».2012-12-26T14:48:48+00:00 To: Public
El Imperio contra PacaElectronic Frontier Foundation shared by Kamen Nedev at 2012-08-03T18:10:35+00:00 via api To: Public
The @globalvoices translathon of the Declaration of Internet Freedom is now live! Lend your language skills here: https://eff.org/r.4ahnWu Ming Foundation shared by Kamen Nedev at 2012-08-03T18:09:33+00:00 via api To: Public
"The only good movement I've seen lately was #OWS. But unfortunately it always ends up with some hippy playing a flute." (John Lydon)Kamen Nedev, Kamen Nedev, Mauro Vanetti, Mauro Vanetti shared this.
2012-04-11T06:05:27+00:00 To: Public
o A solas con los segundos (h.m.: 14h 15m 43s) #ivm #rendiciondelahoraJaromil shared by Kamen Nedev at 2012-04-10T19:27:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Time Based Text 1.1 released http://TBT.dyne.org let us now about your time based poetry! !tbt !y0Giaco El Vecio, Giaco El Vecio, Kamen Nedev, Kamen Nedev and 2 others shared this.
2012-04-04T08:37:23+00:00 To: Public
Maquinando. «ready» está readying su presentación.2012-04-04T05:29:41+00:00 To: Public
o La magnitud no es un tamaño (h.m.: 14h 17m 40s) #ivm #rendiciondelahoraUbuntu España shared by Kamen Nedev at 2012-03-03T09:39:59+00:00 via api To: Public
En 1 hora comienza nuestra Global Jam :) ¡Estás invitado/a! Para acceder http://goo.gl/Ydkgl +info: http://goo.gl/v57JM #ugj #locoteamsKamen Nedev, Kamen Nedev shared this.
2012-03-03T19:10:45+00:00 To: Public
o Cambio de teoría (h.m.: 13h 26m 38s) #ivm #rendiciondelahora2012-03-02T08:58:00+00:00 To: Public
o Un secuestro prolongado (h.m.: 13h 26m 51s) #ivm #rendiciondelahora2012-02-27T10:47:37+00:00 To: Public
No sé si Facebook se está muriendo o no. Pero el mío desde luego que sí. De aburrimiento.